The Public Paperfolding History Project

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The 1885 engraving of the Flapping Bird

  These Source Pages contain information relating to books, articles in newspapers and magazines, illustrations, exhibitions, and historical survivals, that are the raw material of paperfolding history. If you know of any other significant sources of relevant information that I have overlooked please let me know.

In many cases these pages provide a link to a full online version of the document the information is drawn from.

Sources which only give information about one particular design may not be listed on this page, although they will be referenced in the relevant Topic and Individual Design pages.

Source Pages which are incomplete in some way are marked as follows:

(in process) means I have full information about what the source contains but have not yet found time to add the information to the page. If I have initiated a page it may well contain a link to a full online copy of the work.

(not yet analysed) means information from the source has been added to the page but the analysis has not yet been made.

(not yet fully integrated) means information has been added and analysed but not yet been fully carried across to the relevant Topic and Individual Design pages.

(some designs not yet identified) means the source has been analysed and integrated as far as is possible pending identification of some of the designs.

(incomplete information) means I have not yet managed to find a copy of the source document.

(partial information only) means I have only managed to find a partial copy of the source document.

I maintain a page which lists sources I haven't yet managed to find. If you have a copy of any of these, and are willing to share the information it contains with me, I will be extremely grateful.

Sources relating to napkin / serviette folding are not marked In this way but have nevertheless not been fully analysed or integrated as yet. Similarly I have not yet generally analysed or made Individual Design pages for individual Japanese open wrappers (tsutsumi).

I also maintain a list of some other sources I have consulted / searched, which will hopefully help to reduce the duplication of effort among paperfolding history researchers (though it should be said this is not in any way a comprehensive list).

Historical Survivals (this page is incomplete at present)

Undated Postcards / Undated Trade Cards / Undated Drawings, Prints and Paintings

Articles published in Periodicals
Miscellaneous Magazine and Newspaper Articles
  Paperfolding in the Boy's Own Magazine     Paperfolding in Mad Magazine (not yet fully integrated)     Paperfolding in St Nicholas magazine
  Paperfolding in Caras y Caretas magazine (Buenos Aires edition)     Paperfolding in Mon Journal     Paperfolding in the Rupert Bear Annuals
  The Flapping Bird (origami periodical)     Paperfolding in La Nature     Paperfolding in Scientific American magazine (incomplete at present)
  Paperfolding in Hugard's Magic Monthly            
Illustrations by Selected Artists
Books, Articles in Periodicals, Paintings, Prints etc and Survivals, in Chronological Order

(Note that not every minor article, painting or print etc is yet included in this list.)

Japanese sources (including books by Japanese authors in English) are marked with pink squares.

Chinese sources are marked with green squares.

Sources exclusively about the folding of napkins / serviettes are marked with yellow squares. No detailed analysis of sources relating to napkin / serviette folding has yet been carried out.


The Returne from Parnassus, 1606


Hocus Pocus Junior, 1634


Under-Woods by Ben Johnson, 1640


Sports and Pastimes by J M, 1676


Table Talk by John Selden, 1689

              Onna Chohoki, 1692 (and 1847)
              Print in Ranma Zushiki,1734

The London Chronicle, August 1761


Annales Typographiques, 1763

              Hoketsuki by Sadatake Ise, 1764

The Court Letter Writer, 1773


The Conjuror's Repository, 1795

              Almanach des Gourmands, 1808
              Eitai Ozassho Sanzeso, 1830.
  The Workwoman's Guide, 1838            
  Juegos de los Ninos, 1847            
              Table Observances, 1854
  Le Parfait Magicien le Plus Complet, 1861     Friedrich Froebel's Gesammelte Padogogische Schriften edited by Wichard Lange, 1861      
  Das Paradies der Kindheit by Lina Morgenstern, 1861     Kindergarten and Elementarklasse by August Kohler,1861 (incomplete information)      
  The Popular Recreator, 1873     Exercices et Travaux pour les Enfants Selon la Méthode et les Procédés de Pestalozzi et de Froebel by Fanny and Charles Delon, 1873     Bilder aus dem Kindergarten by Ernst Barth, 1873
  Paper Rosette Work and How to Make It by William Bemrose, 1873 (incomplete information)     Die Praxis Des Kindergartens by August Kohler,1873     Der Kindergarten: Theoretisch-Praktisches Handbuch by A S Fischer, 1873 (incomplete information)
  Church Decoration in Paper Rosette Work by William Bemrose, 1873 (incomplete information)            
  Frobels Methode by Elise Van Calcar, 1875 (in process)     Mosaicon by William Bemrose, 1875     Dinner Napkins and How to Fold Them by Georgiana G Clarke, 1875 (incomplete information)
  Die Formenarbeiten, 3, 4 and 6, by Alois Fellner, 1875/6 (in process)            
              Yochien Ombutsu No Zu, 1878
  Instruction pour l'Enseignement Manuel dans les Ecoles Primaires by G Salicis, 1885 (incomplete information)           Kindergarten Shoho by Iijima Hanjuro, 1885
  The Use of Models: A Teacher's Assistant in the use of the Prang Models for Form Study and Drawing in Primary Schools. 1887 (incomplete information)     Cours de Travail Manuel (Pour les Garcons) by A Planty, 1887     Neues Spielbuch fur Madchen by Jeanne Marie von Gayette-Georgens, 1887
  Primary Methods by W N Hailmann, 1887     Enseignement du Travail Manuel a L'Ecole Primaire by Emile Faivre, 1887     Le maître et la maîtresse de maison by Mme Louise d'Alq, 1887
  The Home Book for Very Little People by J H Vincent, 1887     Le Travail Manuel a L'ecole Primaire by M. Coste et J. Lapassade, 1887 (incomplete information)      
  How? Or Spare Hours Made Profitable for Boys and Girls by Kennedy Holbrook, 1887     Madame Chrysantheme by Pierre Loti, 1887      
  Teacher's Manual for Prang's Shorter Course in Form Study and Drawing by John S Clark, Mary Dana Hicks and Walter S Perry, 1888     L'Enseignement Manuel et Expérimental by Rene Leblanc, 1888-1891 (incomplete information)     Shukoka Kogiroku by Uehara Rokushiro, 1888 (incomplete information)
  Royal Gifts for the Kindergarten by Frances Post Van Norstrand and Alice H Putnam, 1888     Historia de Unas Pajaritas de Papel by Miguel de Unamuno, 1888      
  Wide Awake: Volume Z, 1888     How To Fold Napkins: Appendix to the Steward's Handbook, 1888      
  The Prang Primary Manual Without Clay Modelling Parts 1 and 2 by Mary Dana Hicks and John S Clarke, 1889 (incomplete information)     The Downside Review, 1889     Jeux et Travaux Enfantins - Première partie: Le Monde en Papier by Marie Koenig and Albert Durand, 1889 (in process)
  Hand-And-Eye Training, Part 1, by George Ricks, 1889     La Science Pratique by Gaston Tissandier, 1889     Der erste Unterricht in der Knabenhandarbeit by Gustav Kalb, 1889 (incomplete information)
  The Prang Primary Course in Art Education: Part 2: The Second Primary Year by Mary Dana Hicks and Josephine C Locke, 1893     Paper and Scissors in the Schoolroom by Emily Weaver, 1893     Cuestiones de Pedagogía Práctica: Medios de Instruir by Vicente Castro Legua, 1893
  Practical Suggestions for Kindergartners, Primary Teachers and Mothers by Jeannette R Gregory, 1893     Geometrical Exercises in Paperfolding by Tandalam Sundara Rao, 1893 (in process)     De eerste leerjaren voor het onderwijs in handenarbeid by J Stam and A van Wamel, 1893 (incomplete information)
  Sloyd: Educational Manual Training by Everett Schwartz, 1893 (in process)     Paper Folding for Schools by Lucy R Latter, 1893 (incomplete information)     Articles in Yonen Zasshi magazine, 1893
  First Lessons in Hand and Eye Training by Gustav Kalb, 1893 (in process)     L'Annee Preparatoire de Travail Manuel by M P Martin, 1893     Articles in Shokokumin magazine 1893
  Teacher's Manual for The Prang Complete Course in Form Study and Drawing: Books V and VI by John S Clark, Mary Dana Hicks and Walter S Perry, 1894     Jeux et Occupations Pour les Petits: Guide des Mères et des Institutrices by Henriette Suzanne Brés, 1894     Articles in Yonen Zasshi magazine, 1894
  Paper Folding / Forms of Life, Beauty, and Knowledge by Albert Elias Maltby, 1894 (incomplete information)     Le Cahier Rose de Mme Chrysantheme by Felix Regamey, 1894     Articles in Shokokumin magazine 1894
  Old Glory: The Flag of Our Country by Albert Elias Maltby, 1894     Pajaritologia by Senesio Delgado, 1894      
  Pour Amuser les Petits by Tom Tit, 1894     Die Kunst Servietten zu falten, 1894 (incomplete information)      
  Kindergarten Guide by Lois Bates, 1897     Teacher's Manual for the Prang Course in Drawing for Graded Schools, Books 1- 6, by John S Clark, Mary Dana Hicks, Walter S Perry, 1897     Pliage et Decoupage du Papier by C Savineau, 1897 (incomplete information)
  Old Glory: The Flag of Our Country by Dr Albert Elias Maltby, 1897 Edition     Fröbel’s Theory and Practice by Eleonore Heerwart, 1897 (incomplete information)      
1901 / 1902
  Mathematische unterhaltungenund spiele by W Ahrens, 1901 (not yet fully integrated)     How to Fold and Cut Paper by Amos M Kellogg, 1902 (incomplete information)     The Modern Conjuror and Drawing Room Entertainer by C Lang Neil, 1902 (in process)
        Paper Folding for Schools by M Hopkins, 1902 (incomplete information)     Apuntes Para un Tratado de Cocotologia by Miguel de Unamuno, 1902
  La Recreation en Famille by Tom Tit, 1903     El Trabajo Manual by Miguel del Toro y Gómez, 1903 (not yet analysed)     Jinjo Kouto Shogaku Shuko Seisakuzu by Hideyoshi Okayama, 1903
  The Pit by Frank Norris, 1903     La Ensenanza del Trabajo Manuel by Pedro de Alcántara García and Teodosio Leal y Quiroga, 1903     Shukouka no Liron Oyobi Jissai by Kuniho Nakamura and Shinpei Ito, 1903
  Educational Training Manual No 1: Paper Folding by William Hammel,1903 (incomplete information)            
1905 / 1906
  A Practical System in Folding, Cutting and Modelling by A Louise Woodford, 1908 (in process)     Der Kleine Geometer by Grace Chisholm Young and W H Young, 1908 (incomplete information)     Origami zusetsu by Sano Shozo, 1908 (part 2 - about tsutsumi - in process)
              Shogakkou Shukouka Zushiki Ippan by Yajima Shigehachiro, 1908 (in process)
  Rainy Day Pastimes for Children by Louise von Palm, 1910 (in process)     Distractions Enfantines by Marie Koenig, 1910     Shukouka Kyoju Jissaian: Maiji Haitou Fu Liron, 1910 (in process)
  Handicraft in the School, 1910     Article in La Poupee Modele, May 1910.     Zuga Ouyang Kamizaiku by Kikujiro Kiuchi, 1910 (in process)
  Studies in Invalid Occupation by Susan E Tracy, 1910     Museo Infantil by P Martinez Baselga, 1910 (in process)     Kyo Anrei Ni Kansul Kenkyu by the Teaching Methods Study Group, 1910 (in process)
  Educational Handwork by T B Kidner, 1910     Un recuerdo puro by Miguel de Unamuno, 1910     Jinjo Ginger Hsin-tei Goose, 1910 (in process)
  Paradise of Childhood by Edward Wiebe, 1910 edition (in process)     Allerlei Papierarbeiten by Gierke Hildergard and Alice Davidsohn, 1910 (in process)      
  Home Fun by Cecil H Bullivant, 1910     Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen by Marie Muller-Wunderlich, 1910      
1912 / 1913
  The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations by Morley Adams, 1912 (incomplete information)     De eerste leerjaren voor het onderwijs in handenarbeid by J Stam and A van Wamel, 2nd edition, 1912 (in process)     Monozukushi-e print by unknown artist c1912
  Manalive by G K Chesterton, 1912     Trabajos Manuales by Joaquín Fenollosa Martínez y Galo Recuero García, 1913 (incomplete information)      
1915 / 1916
  Paper Tricks by Will Goldston, 1919 (incomplete information)     Enseñanza práctica de la geometría en la escuela primaria: Metodología by Vera Penaloza, c1919 (incomplete information)     Shukoka Shin Kyozai Shusei by Hideyoshi Okayama, 1919 (in process)
  Teaching the Sick: A Manual of Occupational Therapy and Reeducation by George Edward Barton, 1919            
  Paper Magic by Will Blyth, 1920     Juguetes de Papel, c1920 (incomplete information)     Shikaka Origami Dzukai, c1920 (incomplete information)
  The Kindergarten Children's Hour: Volume 2 - Children's Occupations by Maude Cushing Nash, 1920            
  Joujoux en Papier by Tom Tit, 1924     Article about Miguel de Unamuno in Revue des Deux Mondes, 1924     Procedes originaux de constructions geometriques by Emile Fourrey, 1924 (incomplete information)
  El Trabajo Manual by Atilio Boveri, 1925 (incomplete information)           Zhe Zhi Shou Gong Tu Shuo by Shanqing Ling, 1925 (incomplete information)
  Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney, 1926 (incomplete information)     Papiergestaltung by Paul Engelhardt and Adolf Lillack, 1926 (incomplete information)     Basketry and Paper Folding by Virginia McGaw, 1926 (incomplete information)
  Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney, 1931 (incomplete information)           Liron Jissai Jinichi No Shuko Kyoku by Hiroshi Yamagata, 1931 (in process)
  Things Any Boy Can Make by Joseph Leeming, 1931 (incomplete information)           Origami to mizuhiki no kakekata zukai by Chiyoko Ogasawara, 1931 (incomplete information)
  Practical Handwork for the Infant School: Vol 1 - Paper Occupations by Catherine C Ritchie and Mary D Winter, 1931 (incomplete information)     Origami Part 1 (upper) by Isao Honda, 1931     Origami Kyo Hon by Mizuhiro Shiki (Michio Uchiyama), 1931 (incomplete information)
  Images A Plier by M R Chasles, 1932     Le Travail du Papier by B Profit and L Senet, 1932 (in process)     Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (upper) by Taneji Nakajima, 1932 (incomplete information)
  Figuras de Papel, 1932 (incomplete information)           Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (middle) by Taneji Nakajima, 1932 (not yet fully integrated)
  Winter Nights Entertainments by R M Abraham, 1932           Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (lower) by Taneji Nakajima, 1932 (partial information only)
  Article about Unamuno in Estampa magazine 3rd December 1932     Origami Part 2 (lower) by Isao Honda, 1932 (incomplete information)     Origami Zaiku Tehodoki by Taneji Nakajima, 1932 (incomplete information)
  Trabajo Manual by Carmen Champy Alvear, 1932 (incomplete information)     Golden Bat Cigarette Packet Handicrafts by Isao Honda, 1932 (in process)     Origami Kirigami To Shuko by Misaki Izumo, 1932 (incomplete information)
  Diversions and Pastimes by R M Abraham, 1933     Jeux de pliages by Ferdinand Krch / Cuori / Coeur, 1933     Origami-Kyohon by Michio Uchiyama, 1933 (incomplete information)
  Origami Moyo, Book One, by Kawarazaki Kodo, 1935     Shin'an Origami Orikata Zukai (New Origami Folding Diagrams) by Michio Uchiyama, 1935 (incomplete information)     Atarashii Origamizaiku by Taneshi Nakajima, 1935 (incomplete information)
  Origami Moyo, Book Two, by Kawarazaki Kodo, 1935     Nichijo saho origami to mizuhiki by Kotaka Otsuma, 1935 (incomplete information)      
  Shin Shoku Kyoiku No Jissai by Takeshi Seki, 1935 (in process)     Shogakko shuko kyoju seian by Abe Shimekichi, 1935 (incomplete information)      
  Paper Toy Making by Margaret Campbell, 1937     Chinese Ceremonial Paper by Dard Hunter, 1937     Hyojun Kaisetsu Origami to Himomsubi by Kazuko Yamaguchi, 1937 (in process)
  Paper Twisting and Crumpling for Infants and Younger Juniors by Gwen M Paviere, 1937 (incomplete information)           Japanese Classical Art Origami: It's Methods and Samples by Tengai Kikuchi, 1937 (incomplete information)
  Papirolas - Volume 1 by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1938 (in process)     Poem by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo in Caras y Caretas Buenos Aires, May 1938     Origami zaiku by Taneji Nakajima, 1938 (incomplete information)
  Article about Vicente Solorzano Sagredo in Caras y Caretas, November 1938     Spielzeug - Eine bunte Fibel by Hans-Friedrich Geist and Alfred Mahlau,1938 (incomplete information)      
  El Mundo de Papel by Dr Nemesio Montero, 1939     Fun with Paper by Joseph Leeming, 1939     Trabajo Manual Educativo by Araminta V Aramburu, 1939 (incomplete information)
  Papirolas - Volume 2 by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1939 (in process)     Plegado by Rufino Yapur, 1939 (incomplete information)     Sosaku Origami Jitsubutsu-shu by Taneji Nakajima, 1939/40 (incomplete information)
  Notes Pour un Traite de Cocotologie in Mercure de France, 1939     Trabajo Manual by Hernan Pallardo, 1939 (incomplete information)      
  Papirolas - Volume 3 by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1940 (incomplete information)     At Home Tonight by Herbert McKay, 1940     A Handwork Book for Children by Elsa Beskow and Anna Warburh, 1940 (incomplete information)
  Das Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein by Johanna Huber, abridged and revised edition, 1940 (incomplete information)     El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria by Antonio M Luchia and Corina Luciani de Luchia, 1940     Kisetsu Hoikjo No Keiei Oyobi Sono Jissai by Daiji Kawasaki, 1940 (in process)
  Papiro-Zoo: Manual Practico de Cocotologia by Giordano Lareo, 1941 (incomplete information)     Paper Magic by U F Grant, 1941 (incomplete information)     Origami ni yoru ren-sei by Yasuke Nishidate, 1941 (incomplete information)
  After The Dessert by Martin Gardner, 1941     Article about Solorzano by M Garcia Hernandez in Diario de la Marina, Havana, March 1941 (incomplete information)      
  Articles in Diario Español, Buenos Aires, 1942 (incomplete information)           Out of a Handkerchief by Frances E Jacobs, 1942 (incomplete information)
  El Libro de Oro de Los Niños, 1943 (incomplete information)     Fun at Dinner with Napkin Folds by Tom Osbourne , 1943 (incomplete information)     Taketombo Tokakuuki by Shichizo Hori and Hiroshi Abe, 1943 (in process)
                  Shuko kyozai, origami saiku by Taneji Nakajima, 1943 (incomplete information)
  Scrap Fun for Everyone by Evelyn Glantz, 1944 (in process)     Paper Sculpture by Paul McPharlin, 1944 (in process)     Origami Shuko by Isao Honda, 1944 (not yet fully integrated)
  Ideas Practicas para Juegos y Entretenimientos by Jorge A Duclout, 1944            
  Papirolas - Tratado de Papiroflexia Superior by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1945 (incomplete information)     The Children's Games and Amusements Book by Morley Adams, 1945 (in process)     Napkin Folds by Tom Osbourne, 1945 (in process)
  Bill-Folds by Al O'Hagan, 1945     Minhas Dobraduras, 1945 (in process)      
  Papiroflexia Elemental by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1947     Paper Sculpture by Tadeusz Lipski, 1947 (in process)     Article about Solorzano by A Villacian Burgos in Buenos Aires Sinfonia, Dec 1947 (incomplete information)
  Papermaking: The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft by Dard Hunter, 1947 (not yet fully integrated)     Mutti falte mir was zum Spielen by Lilly-Pollack Netzband, 1947 (incomplete information)     Yasahiku dekiru origami to kirinuki tehon by Misaki Izumo, 1947 (incomplete information)
  Ce qu'on peut faire avec du papier plie by Marie-Jacqueline Michel-Dubreton, 1948 (incomplete information     The Art of Chinese Paperfolding by Maying Soong, 1948     Paper-folding: A Popular Pastime by Japan Travel Bureau, 1948 (incomplete information)
  Holiday Craft and Fun by Joseph Leeming, 1950     Article about Solorzano by E Algani in El Hogar, Buenos Aires, Sept 1950 (incomplete information)     Origami Kirinuki Kosaku Etehon by Onodera Akikaze, 1950 (in process)
  Plezier met Papier by Aart van Breda, 1950 (incomplete information)            
  Avonturen met Papier by Aart van Breda, 1952 (incomplete information)     Bibliography of Paper Folding by Gershon Legman, 1952     Origami no Tsukurikata by Taneji Nakajima, 1952 (incomplete information)
  Una Hoja de Papel by Lorenzo Herrero, 1952 (original designs by the author not yet fully integrated)     Paper Sculpture by Mary Grace Johnson, 1952 (in process)     Article on the work of Akira Yoshizawa in Asahi Graf, January 1952
  Article by Gershon Legman in Phoenix magazine, March 21st 1952     Articles in Parents' magazine by Martin Gardner, 1952/3     Article on the work of Akira Yoshizawa in Asahi Shimbun, 15th December 1952
              Articles on the work of Akira Yoshizawa in Fujin Koron (Ladies’ Opinion) magazine April to December, 1952 (incomplete information)
  Kinderspeelboek by Aart van Breda, 1954 (incomplete information)           Atari Origami Geijuitsu by Akira Yoshizawa, 1954 (incomplete information)
  Pleasure with Paper by Aart van Breda, 1954 (not yet fully integrated)           Articles on the work of Yoshizawa in Shufu no Tomo (Young Ladies’ Friend) magazine, 1954 (incomplete information)
  Het Grote Vouwboek by Aart van Breda, 1955 (incomplete information)     Faltet Mit by Gerta Schumann, 1955 (incomplete information     Article in Goed Nieuws dated 17th December, 1955
  Adventures with Paper by Aart van Breda, 1955 (not yet fully integrated)     Exhibition of works by Akira Yoshizawa at Cagnes-sur-Mer in 1955     Tanoshi Origami by Jiro Ueda, 1955 (incomplete information)
  Children's Playbook by Aart van Breda, 1955 (incomplete information)     Exhibition of works by Akira Yoshizawa at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam in 1955      
  Papier-Spiele by Walter Sperling, 1955 (incomplete information)     Article in Utrechts Nieuwsblad dated 12th November, 1955 (incomplete information)      
  Paper Magic by Robert Harbin, 1956     Sculpture in Paper by Bruce Angrave, 1957 (in process)     Yoku Wakaru Origami (Easy to Understand Origami) by Kosho Uchiyama, 1956 (incomplete information)
  Un zoo en papier plie by Marie-Jacqueline Michel-Dubreton, 1956 (incomplete information)     Article about Yoshizawa in La Patria Unita, 15th January, 1956 (not yet fully integrated)      
  The Best in Magic by Bruce Elliott, 1956     Article in Munda Argentina, 18th July, 1956 (incomplete information)      
  Origami: Book One by Florence Sakade, 1957           Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Penguin Book by Isao Honda, 1957 (incomplete information)
  Paperfolding for the Mathematics Class by Donovan A Johnson, 1957 (in process)     Origami Dokuhon by Akira Yoshizawa, 1957 (not yet fully integrated)     Origami: Japanese Paperfolding by Isao Honda, 1957 (incomplete information)
  Creating with Paper by Pauline Johnson, 1958 (in process)           Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Monkey Book by Isao Honda, 1958 (incomplete information)
  Article about Lillian Oppenheimer in New York Times by Meyer Berger, June 1958           Origami: Book Two by Florence Sakade, 1958
  The Origamian, Volume 1: November 1958 to March 1959     Origami Zukan by Okimasa Uchiyama, 1958 (incomplete information)     Articles in Hokubei Shimpo in May and June 1958 (incomplete information)
  Fun-time Paper Folding by Elinor Tripato Massoglio, 1959     Articles in the Washington Post, July 1959     Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Sakura Book by Isao Honda, 1959 (incomplete information)
  Article about Giuseppe Baggi in New York Times 2nd February 1959     Article about Origami by Martin Gardner in Scientific American, July 1959     Pocket Guide to Origami: Bunny Book by Isao Honda. 1959 (incomplete information)
  Article in New York Mirror. February 5th 1959 by Sidney Field (incomplete information)     Articles in the Observer newspaper, 1959 / 1960     Pocket Guide to Origami: Bow-Wow Book by Isao Honda, 1959
  The Plane Geometry and Fancy Figures Exhibition, Summer 1959     How to Make Origami by Isao Honda, 1959     Origami: Book Three by Florence Sakade, 1959
  Article mentioning Baggi in Look magazine, July 1959     Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Fuji Book by Isao Honda, 1959 (incomplete information)     Articles on the work of Yoshizawa in Fujin Koron (Ladies’ Opinion) magazine January to September, 1959 (incomplete information)
  Paper Folding Fun by Robert Harbin, 1960     Freude mit papier by Aart van Breda, 1960 (incomplete information)     Origami Storybook by Florence Sakade, 1960 (incomplete information)
  Paperfolding for Beginners by Murray and Rigney, 1960     Abenteuer mit Papier by Aart van Breda, 1960 (incomplete information)     Origami by Tokinobu and Hideko Mihara, 1960 (incomplete information)
  Origami: The Oriental Art of Paper Folding by Harry C Helfman, 1960     Du papier plié au cartonnage, 1960 (incomplete information)     Origami 2 by Tokinobu and Hideko Mihara, 1960 (incomplete information)
  Article about a 'Design in Paper' exhibition in The Reporter of Direct Mail Advertising, December 1960     All About Origami by Isao Honda, 1960 (incomplete information)     Happy Origami: Whale book and Swallow book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1960 (incomplete information)
  The Art of Origami by Samuel Randlett, 1961     Article in Chicago Daily Tribune about Philip Shen, Jack J Skillman and Bill Kruskal, June 1961     A Japanese Paper-Folding Classic by Julia and Martin Brossman, 1961
  Wir Falten by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, 1961     Article in Design, 1st May 1961 (not yet fully integrated)     Origami Zoo: Bird Book by Isao Honda, 1961 (incomplete information)
  Easy-to-do Entertainments and Diversions with Coins, Cards, String, Paper and Matches by R M Abraham, 1961     The Origamian, Volume 2: Summer 1961 to Autumn 1962 (incomplete)     Origami Zoo: Animal Book by Isao Honda, 1961 (incomplete information)
  How to Make Things Out of Paper by Walter Sperling, 1961 (in process)            
  Folding Paper Puppets by Shari Lewis and Lillian Oppenheimer, 1962 (in process)     Article about Mrs Peterson in Chicago Tribune, 4th February 1962     Living Origami Book 1 by Isao Honda, 1962 (incomplete information)
  Papiroflexia Zoomorphica, Volume 1, by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1962 (not yet fully integrated)     Kiri Gami by Florence Temko, 1962 (incomplete information)     Living Origami Book 2 by Isao Honda, 1962 (incomplete information)
  Papiroflexia Zoomorphica, Volume 2, by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1962 (not yet fully integrated)     Origami by Kosho Uchiyama, 1962 (incomplete information)     Pop-Up Origami Kitty book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1962 (incomplete information)
  A Thousand Cranes: The Children of Hiroshima by Betty Jean Lifton, 1962 (in process)     Sosaku Origami by Michio Uchiyama, 1962 (incomplete information)     Pop-Up Origami Johnny book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1962 (incomplete information
  Party Lines by Robert Harbin, 1963     Papier und Form by Kurt Londenberg, 1963     The Origamian, Volume 3: Winter 1962/3 to Winter 1963/4
  The Best of Origami by Samuel Randlett, 1963     Het Grote Vouwboek (Revised Edition) by Aart van Breda, 1963     Origami Ehon (Origami Picture Book) by Akira Yoshizawa, 1963 (incomplete information)
  Folding Paper Toys by Shari Lewis and Lillian Oppenheimer, 1963     Fell's Guide to Papercraft by Walter B Gibson, 1963 (incomplete information)     Tanoshii Origami (Fun Origami) by Akira Yoshizawa, 1963 (incomplete information)
  Folding Money by Adolfo Cerceda, 1963 (incomplete information)     Lustige Spiele mit Papier by Walter Sperling, 1963 (incomplete information)     Tricks with Paper by Masaki Yamaguchi, 1963 (incomplete information)
  Secrets of Origami by Robert Harbin, 1964     The ABCs of Origami by Claude Sarasas, 1964     Origami Ehon (Origami Picture Book) by Kosho Uchiyama, 1964 (incomplete information)
  My Origami: Birds / Flowers / Animals and Fishes - Series of 3 books 1964 (incomplete information)     Fluxus 1 by George Macunias, 1964     Fold-and-Paste Origami Storybook by Florence Sakade, 1964 (in process)
  Paper Folding and Paper Sculpture by Kenneth Ody, 1964 (in process)     The Origamian, Volume 4: 1964     Noshi - Classic Origami in Japan by Isao Honda, 1964 (in process)
  Lampen Aus Papier by Brigitte Schussler, 1964 (in process)     The Origamian, Volume 3: Winter 1962/3 to Winter 1963/4     Happy Origami: Tortoise book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1964 (not yet fully integrated)
  Bunte Origami Tierwelt: Japinisches Papierfalten by Irmgard Kneissler,1964 (incomplete information)     Origami Shu (Origami Play) by Toyoaki Kawai, 1964 (incomplete information)     Happy Origami: Butterfly book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1964 (incomplete information)
  Paper Folding and Modelling by A van Breda, 1965     An Introduction to Paper Sculpture by Arthur Sadler, 1965 (in process)     The World of Origami by Isao Honda, 1965
  Kempers Grosses Papierfaltbuch. Falten und Gestalten by A van Breda, 1965     The Origamian, Volume 5: 1965     Haha to ko no origami no hon by Kunihiko Kasahara, 1965 (incomplete information)
  Folding Paper Masks by Shari Lewis and Lillian Oppenheimer, 1965 (in process)           Origami in the Classroom: Book 1 by Chiyo Araki, 1965
  Mes Jolis Origami: Oiseau Multicolores / Fleurs et Bouquets / Animaux et Poissons - Series of 3 books, 1965 (incomplete information)           Origami Fun Book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1965 (incomplete information)
  The Mysterious Flexagons by Madeline Jones, 1966 (in process)     The Origamian, Volume 6: 1966     Omoide No Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara, 1966 (incomplete information)
  Schucken und Schenken mit Origami by Irmgard Kneissler, 1966 (incomplete information)           Origami o Tanoshimu Hon by Kunihiko Kasahara, 1966 (incomplete information)
  The Executive Manual on the Construction of Paper Projectiles by Rik Olson, 1966 (incomplete information)     Origami: The Folding Papers of Japan: Film by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1966 (not yet fully integrated)     Sunny Origami: Angel Book by Keinichi Fukuda, 1966 (incomplete)
  The Great International Airplane Book by Mander, Dippel and Gossage, 1967     Origami Asobi by Koshio Uchiyama, 1967 (incomplete information)     Origami Festival by Isao Honda, 1967 (incomplete information)
  536 Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney, edited by Martin Gardner,1967     Creative Origami by Kunihiko Kasahara, 1967 (not yet fully integrated)     Jolly Origami Bossy book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1967 (incomplete information)
  Article about Rose Dabbs in Good Housekeeping, December 1967     Origami Folding Fun: Pony Book by Isao Honda, 1967 (incomplete information)     Jolly Origami Rooster book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1967 (incomplete information)
  The Origamian, Volume 7: 1967     Origami Folding Fun: Kangaroo Book by Isao Honda, 1967 (incomplete information)     Jolly Origami Birdie book by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1967 (incomplete information)
  The Origami Monthly, 1967 (not yet fully integrated)     Origami Holiday by Isao Honda, 1967 (incomplete information)     Origami Playtime by Tatsuo Miyawaki, 1967 (in process)
  Newspaper Magic by Gene Anderson and Frances Marshall, 1968 (in process)     Folding Money, Volume Two by Samuel Randlett, 1968 (incomplete information)     Origami Art, 1968 (not yet fully integrated)
  How to Make and Fly Paper Airplanes by Captain Ralph S. Barnaby, 1968 (in process)     Your Book of Paperfolding by Vanessa and Eric de Maré, 1968     Origami in the Classroom: Book 2 by Chiyo Araki, 1968
  Teach Yourself Origami (aka Origami 1) by Robert Harbin, 1968     Paperfolding to Begin With by Florence Temko, 1968 (incomplete information)      
  Origami Polyhedra by Bennett Arnstein, 1968 (incomplete information)     The Origamian, Volume 8: 1968      
  Modern Origami by James Minoru Sakoda, 1969     British Origami, 1969     Creative Life with Creative Origami by Toshie Takahama, 1969 (incomplete information)
  The Origamian, Volume 9: 1969     Nihon no Kokoro Dento Origami (Heart of Japan, Traditional Origami) by Isao Honda, 1969 (incomplete information)     Origami Volume 1 by Akira Yoshizawa, 1969 (in process)
  Simple Origami by Eric Kenneway, 1970     Article in Selecciones del Reader's Digest, November 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     The Origamian, Volume 10, issues 2, 3 and 4: 1970 (not yet fully integrated)
  Origami Compendium No 1 by Robert Harbin, 1970 (incomplete information)     Article in Selection du Reader's Digest, December 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     Issues 1 to 7 of the Magazine of the Sosaku Origami Group '67, 1967 to 1970 (incomplete information)
  Article in Woman's Own Magazine, March 1970     Article in Selezione dal Reader's Digest, December 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     Atarashii Origami Nyumon by The Sosaku Origami Group '67, 1970 (incomplete information)
  Article in Beacon Magazine of Hawaii by Leland Stowe, July 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     Learn to Fold - Fold to Learn by Jane S Abbott, 1970 (in process)     Origami by Toyoaki Kawai, 1970 (incomplete information)
  Article in Reader's Digest Magazine (USA) August 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     The Origamian, Volume 10: issue 1, 1970      
  Article in Reader's Digest Magazine (UK) October 1970 (not yet fully integrated)     British Origami, 1970 (in process)      
After 1970 - Selected Sources Only
Later books by Robert Harbin
  More Origami (aka Origami 2) by Robert Harbin, 1971 (not yet fully integrated)     Origami: A Step by Step Guide by Robert Harbin, 1974 (in process)     Origami 4 by Robert Harbin, 1977 (in process)
  Origami 3 by Robert Harbin, 1972 (not yet fully integrated)       Have Fun with Origami by Robert Harbin, 1975 (in process)      
Later sources about Modular Origami