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Der Kindergarten by Hermann Goldammer , 1869
'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer was published by Habel in Berlin in 1869.

This book is in German and set in Fractur. I do not speak German and Google Lens does not transcribe or translate Fractur well. Consequently, it is probable that there will be errors and omissions on this page. If anyone can supply corrections or further information to me I will be most grateful.

The Plates are included in the analysis. The full text of the chapter about 'Das Falten' is given at the foot of the page.

A full copy of the book can be accessed here.



Das Falten (Paperfolding)

Plate A shows Froebel's method of cutting four squares from a rectangle and various simple geometrical paperfolds.


Lebensformen (Forms of Life)

The text calls picture 16 'the basic form of a simple series of life forms' (lebensformen in the original german) but that 'It is impossible to give an exact description of the manner in which they are folded'.

The author gives a brief list of some of these life forms. There are no illustrations to help identify them.

Ein tischtuch (a tablecloth) - probably just a blintzed square with the blintzes set at right angles.

Ein Vogel (a bird) - probably the Cocotte / Pajarita

Ein Seegelboot (a sail-boat) - probably the Boat with Sail

Einen Doppelkahn (a double canoe) - probably the Double Boat

Ein Salznapfchen (a salt cellar) - probably the Salt Cellar

Ein Blume (a flower) - probably the Flat Flower

Ein Hemdchen (a chemise) - probably the Collar

Einen Drachen (a dragon) - not identifiable

Ein Windmuhle (a windmill) - probably The Windmill

Einen Tisch (a table) - probably The Table

Eine Cigarrentashe (a cigar-holder) - probably The Cigar Case

Einen Blumentopf (a flower-pot) - probably the Vase

Einen Doppelkasten (a double box) - probably the Double Fishbox / The Portfolio

Einen Grossen Kasten ( a big box) - probably the Large Box

Ein Boot (a boat) - probably the Gondola

Ein Boot mit Banken (a boat with seats) - this may possibly be a reference to the Chinese Junk which is also included in the second list.

There is also a second list of forms, also lacking illustrations, which the author says are mentioned in the manual. The manual in question is, however, not identified.

Den Strickbeutel (the knitting-pouch) - probably the Puzzle Purse. (The translation 'knitting-pouch' comes from Edward Wiebe's 'Paradise of Childhood', also published in 1869 and which is closely based on this book. The 1874 edition of 'Der Kindergarten' contains an illustration of den Strickbeutel which seems to be the Puzzle Purse.)

Den Cylinder (the top hat) - probably the Hat / Shirt

Die Stiefel (the boots) - probably the Pair of Boots

Den Hut (the cap) - not identifiable, although possibly the Hat / Shirt turned upside down.

Das Kreuz (the cross) - probably The Cross

Die Beinkleider (the trousers) - probably The Trousers

Das Geschlossene Kasten (the closed box) - probably the Blintz Box / Masu (the design is illustrated in the 1874 edition)

Den Rahmen (the frame) - probably The Picture Frame

Die Gondel (the gondola) - probably The Chinese Junk


Schonheitsformen (Forms of Beauty)

The author states that the simple basic form for the life forms is also the base for the forms of beauty (Schonheitsformen in the original German), some of which are shown in pictures 17 to 36.

Plate B:

Picture 16 of Plate LXX is simply a blintzed square. The text explains how to turn this into the double boat (although the flat version of the design is in fact the Cigar Case). Picture 17 is the result of folding the 'overreaching triangles' inwards (the shading is misleading - there is no colour change). Picture 18 shows the result of folding the 'overreaching triangles of the Windmill form inwards. Picture 19 is obtained by folding these front flaps in half. Picture 20 is obtained by then squashing the front layers and opening up for a genuine colour-change. Picture 21 is the reverse possibility.

Pictures 22 to 15 and 27 show patterns developed from the Windmill Base. Picture 22 shows Rosette 3, picture 23 shows Rosette 2, picture 24 and 25 appear to possibly show the same (unnnamed) design, while picture 27 shows what appears to be Rosette 2a.

Picture 26 appears to be an anomaly and to be a pattern developed from a blintzed square or from the Double Blintz Basic Form.


Plate C:

Picture 28 shows one side of the Double Blintz Basic Form. Pictures 29 to 36 show a variety of patterns that can be developed from this side of this form.


Verschnuren (Lacing)

Plates A and B show some examples of designs that can be made by folding and interlacing one or two paper strips.


Flechten (Weaving)

Plate F shows some examples of patterns and shapes that can be woven from doubled strips including the Woven Cross.



Aufschneiden und Aufkleben (Cut out and Glue on)

Ausschneiden Plates A, B and C show a variety of ways in which to cut a square folded into an eight-layered right angle isosceles triangle to create patterns with eight-fold symmetry.

Ausschneiden Plates D and E show a variety of ways in which to cut into a hexagon folded into a six-layered equilateral triangle to create patterns with six-fold symmetry.

Aufkleben Plates A, B and C show the patterns that result from some of these cuts when the square or hexagon is opened out.


Source Pages
