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Last updated 28/2/2024


Trabajos Manuales y Juegos Infantiles by Francisco Blanch, 1923
'Trabajos Manuales y Juegos Infantiles' by Francisco Blanch was published by I. G. Seix y Barral Hermanos S.A.- Editores in Barcelona in 1923 and had 227 pages. It subsequently appeared in various other editions, the 2nd in 1928 (230 pages), the 3rd in 1933 (230 pages), the 4th in 1940 and the 5th in 1950 (224 pages).

The information on this page is taken from the 1950 5th edition, but the consistency in the page count suggests that the contents of the book had remained largely unchanged since the original edition was published. Curiously, from the 3rd edition onwards the name of the author is given as Pedro Blanch rather than Francisco Blanch.

Much of the material in the book is of the fold and cut / cardboard modelling variety, but there is a brief chapter of pure origami titled 'Pajaritas y otros juguetes' and other material of interest elsewhere. I have not recorded the cardboard modelling material here. There is also a section on designs that can be woven from palm leaves.

The information on this page comes largely from Juan Gimeno, to whom my thanks.




From the chapter 'Pajaritas y otros juguetes'

La Barca - The Paper Boat

Note that this version is folded from a square.


La Pajarita - The Cocotte / Pajarita


El Pez - The Monster Fish


El Carro - The Wagon


El Salero - The Salt Cellar


Bonete - The Curate's Hat


Pajaro con Alas Moviles - The Flapping Bird


La Rana - The Inflatable Frog


From other chapters

Cometa - Flyable Kite


Papelinas - Paper Cones

This section shows how to make basic Grocer's Cones and how one can be used as a hat.


Blowpipe and Darts


Chasqueadores - The Clapper


Un pequeno monigote - Don Simon


How to Cover a Book


Una flecha de papel - The Paper Dart


The Witch's Ladder

About this design the text says, 'In the same way that we build worms with palm leaves, we can make them with strips of paper'.


The Froebel Star


El Molinete - The Cut and Fold Windmill


El Gorro - The Nurse's Cap

About this design the text says, 'We are going to explain how that material, the hat, is constructed, A piece of paper of any kind will suffice, which has a square shape and about two spans on each side. By folding it suitably a hat like the one seen in Fig A is made.' No more detailed folding instructions are provided.


El Paracaidos - The Paper Parachute


Sardana (a Catalan form of circle dance) - Ring of Dolls


Symmetrical Fold and Cut Patterns


Fold, Cut and Fold Animals / Figures


Pleated Paper Lanterns


Selected Pages



