The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Yochien Ho Niju Yuki by Seki Shinzo, 1879
'Yochien Ho Niju Yuki' (Twenty Joys of Play in Kindergarten) by Seki Shinzo was published in 1879. It contains drawings of children sitting at a table engaged in various kindergarten occupations. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

A full copy of the work can be found at here

My thanks to Masatsugu Tsutsumi for this link and for drawing this book to my attention..


Strip Folding


Paper Folding

The pupil is holding an Orizuru.

A Noshi and a second design which appears to be a windmill base with the front flaps folded in half outwards can be seen lying on the table.
