The 1885 engraving of the Flapping
These Individual
Design pages contain information about
individual paperfolding designs taken from
verifiable sources. The information provided
should be accurate but, in some cases, it may not
be all the information available. Some designs, mostly
those which only occur once in the literature (or
in multiple books by the same author) are not
recorded separately in this section. You can,
however, locate information about them through
the relevant Topics and Indexes page.
designs have many different names in the
literature. In order to avoid confusion as to
which design is being referred to, where I have
made an Individual Design page for a design, I
have given it a standard name, usually, but not
always, in English, which is used throughout this
site. On this page this standard name is used as
the main title of the Individual Design page
relating to that particular design.
If you
can't find the design you are looking for on this
page then try looking for the standard name I
have recorded it under by using the Topics
and Indexes page.