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Last updated 17/7/2024


The Cigar Case
This page is being used rto collect information about the history of the paperfolding design known as the Cigar Case. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

The Cigar Case design can be made in two different ways, either by opening out the flaps of the Windmill Base, or the Blintzed Windmill Base, (which I will call version 1) or by opening out the flaps of the Double Bookfold Basic Form (a square that has been bookfolded, turned over and bookfolded again in the alternate direction) (which I will call version 2). It is not always possible to be certain which version is intended in any particular source.

If folded in half version 1 becomes the Double Boat and version 2 Another Double Boat.


In Japan (and in books by Japanese authors)


A drawing of the Cigar Case appears in 'Yochien Ombutsu No Zu', a publication of kindergarten material issued by the Tokyo Women's Normal School in 1878.


A drawing of the Cigar Case under the title 'senba' (which means 'warhorse' or 'wharf' and bears no easily understood reference to the form of the design) appears in 'Kindergarten Shoho' (Preliminary Kindergarten) by Iijima Hanjuro, which was copyrighted on October 4th Meiji 17 (1884) and published by Fukuda Senzo in August of Meiji 18 (1885),


In Europe and the Americas


The Cigar Case (Le portes-cigares) appears twice in the lists of designs in the 'Manuel Pratique de Jardins D'Enfants de Friedrich Froebel, which was compiled by J F Jacobs and published in Brussells and Paris in 1859, probably once folded from the windmill base and once from the blintzed windmill base.



As far as I know the earliest known illustration of this design is found, as 'De sigarenkoker' (cigarcase), in 'De Kleine Papierwerkers 1: Wat men van een stukje papier al maken kan: Het vouwen' (The Small Paperwork 1: What one can make from a piece of paper: Folding) by Elise Van Calcar, which was published by K H Schadd in Amsterdam in 1863. This is clearly version 1.



A design called 'Eine Cigarrentashe', which is not illustrated, but which from the context is most probably Version 1 of the Cigar Case, appears in a list of designs in 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer, which was published by Habel in Berlin in 1869.


'Paradise of Childhood' by Edward Wiebe, which was published by Milton, Bradley and Company in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1869, and is effectively a translation of Goldammer's 'Der Kindergarten', similarly includes a 'cigar-case' in its list of Forms of Life.


The design also appears:


In 'Die Praxis Des Kindergartens' by Auguste Koehler, which was published by Herman Bohlau in Weimar in 1873. This is most probably version 2 (see entry for 1877 below).



The third edition of 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer, which was published by Carl Babel in Berlin in 1874, mentions, but does not picture, a design titled 'Die Cigarrentasche (Cigar Case). From the context this is probably Version 1 of the Cigar Case.



Both versions appears in 'Kindergarten Practice' by Mary Gurney, which is a substantially abridged version, in two parts, of 'Die Praxis Des Kindergartens' by Auguste Koehler. The second part, 'Froebel's Plane Surfaces', contains sections dealing with paper folding, cutting and weaving. The date of the first edition is not known. The second edition was published in 1877 in London by A N Myers and Co.

Version 1


Version 2


Version 1 also appears, as 'Cigarettentasche', in part 2 'Die Praxis' of 'Theoretisches und praktisches Handbuch der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehre' by Bertha von Marentholtz-Bülow, which was published by George H Wigand in Kassel in 1887.



In 'The Kindergarten Principle' by Mary J Lyschinska, which was published in London in 1880 by Wm Isbister Ltd. This is clearly version 1.



In part two of 'The Kindergarten Guide' by Maria Kraus Boelte and John Kraus, which was probably first published in 1882 by E. Steiger and Company in New York. This also appears to be version 1.



As 'Paper- Case' in 'Practical Suggestions for Kindergartners, Primary Teachers and Mothers' by Jeannette R Gregory, which was published by C B Woodward and Co in St Louis in 1893.



As 'Le Portes-Cigares' in 'Jeux et Occupations Pour les Petits: Guide des Mères et des Institutrices' by Henriette Suzanne Brés was published by Librairie Classique Fernand Nathan in Paris in 1894



In a sample book of Froebelian paperfolds and papercuts etc made by by Laura B Thompson in 1895.



The Cigar Case is pictured, but not named, in Eleonore Heerwart's 'Course in Paperfolding', which was published by Charles and Dible in London and Glasgow in 1896. This is probably version 2.



As 'Petaca' (Flask) in 'Ciencia Recreativa' by Jose Estralella, which was published by Gustavo Gili in Barcelona in 1918.



The design appears as 'Cigarrentasche'in 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick, which was published in Leipzig and Berlin in 1936.
