The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 24/12/2023


The Collar
This page attempts to record what is known about the origin and history of the origami design known as the Collar. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.



A design called 'Het chemisetje' is illustrated in 'De Kleine Papierwerkers 1: Wat men van een stukje papier al maken kan: Het vouwen' (The Small Paperwork 1: What one can make from a piece of paper: Folding) by Elise Van Calcar, which was published by K H Schadd in Amsterdam in 1863.

It is made in a similar way to the Seedpod, except that two of the points must be left inside the design and the other two folded in zigzag fashion to produce the collars. This procedure is not at all clear from the text but can be reconstructed from the picture.



A design called 'Ein Hemdchen' (a chemise), which is not illustrated, but which from the context is most probably the Collar, appears in a list of designs in 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer, which was published by Habel in Berlin in 1869.


'Paradise of Childhood' by Edward Wiebe, which was published by Milton, Bradley and Company in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1869, and is effectively a translation of Goldammer's 'Der Kindergarten', similarly includes a 'chemise' in its list of Forms of Life.



The same design appears as 'Kragen' (collar) in 'Die Praxis Des Kindergartens' by Auguste Koehler, which was published by Herman Bohlau in Weimar in 1873.



There is mention of a design called 'The Chemisette' in 'The Kindergarten Principle' by Mary J Lyschinska, which was published in London in 1880 by Wm Isbister Ltd. The design is not illustrated but from its position in the sequence of designs it is most probably the Collar.
