The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 5/12/2023 x |
The Waterbomb Base Tent | |||||||
This page is being used to collect information about the Waterbomb Base Tent. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you. ********** 1904 As far as I know this design first appears as 'Tienda de Campana', in 'Guia Practica del Trabajo Manual Educativo' by Ezequiel Solana, which was published by Editorial Magisterio Espaņol in Madrid in 1904. ********** 1932 The same design, with the addition of a cut and fold entrance, appears in Booklet 5 of 'Images a Plier', a series of 6 booklets published by Librairie Larousse in Paris in 1932. ********** 1939 A similar design appears in 'El Mundo de Papel' by Dr Nemesio Montero, which was published by G Miranda in Edicions Infancia in Valladolid in 1939. ********** 1940 The same design also appears, as 'Carpa', in 'El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria' by Antonio M Luchia and Corina Luciani de Luchia, which was published by Editorial Kapelusz in Buenos Aires in 1940. ********** 1949 The version of the tent that appeared in 'Images de Plier' (see above) reappears in 'Au Pays des Mains Agiles', which was published by Editions Fleurus in Paris in 1949. ********** |