The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 14/7/2023


The Cut Dragonfly

This page is being used to record information about the history of the origami design I call the Cut Dragonfly, which is folded from a bird base. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

Note that in this design the centre of the bird base forms the body of the dragonfly.



As far as I know diagrams for this design first appear in 'Origami zusetsu' (Illustrated Origami) by Sano Shozo, which was published in Tokyo in 1908.



A picture of the Cut Dragonfly (but no diagrams) appears in 'Origami (Part 1)' by Isao Honda, which was first published in Japan in 1931.



In 'Origami Shuko' by Isao Honda, which was published in 1944.



This print appears in 'Origami Moyo, Book One', by Kawarazaki Kodo, which was published by Unsodo in Japan in 1935. It is probably intended to be the Cut Dragonfly.
