The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 21/11/2024 x |
The Cut and Fold Windmill | |||||||
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history of the Cut and Fold Windmill. Please contact me
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Thank you. Information about other kinds of paper windmills can be found here. ********* In China (and in publications by Chinese authors) 1917 This design appears as 'Windmill' in 'Xu Zhe zhi tu shuo' (More Illustrated Paperfolding) by Yongxiang Shi, which was published by the Commercial Press in Shanghai in 1917. ********** In Europe and theAmericas 1864 As far as I am aware this design first appears in 'Spielbuch fur Knaben' by Hermann Wagner, which was published by Verlag von Otto Spamer in Leipzig in 1864, although the foreword is dated May 1863, which argues that the book was complete at that date. ********** The design also appears: 1869 In 'De Kleine Natuurkundige' by Pieter Beets, which was published by D Noorthoven Van Goor in Leiden. The work is undated but said to be from 1869. ********** 1876 In 'Des Kindes Erste Beschaftigungsbuch' by E Barth and W Niederley, which was first published in Bielefeld and Leipzig, and the foreword of which is dated October 1876. ********** 1882 The design also appears in Part Two of 'The Kindergarten Guide' by Maria Kraus Boelte and John Kraus, which was probably first published by E. Steiger and Company in New York in 1882. ********** 1883 'Giuochi Fanciulleschi Siciliani' by Giuseppe Pitri, which was published by Luigi Pedone Lauriel in Palermo in 1883, contains a drawing of the Cut and Fold Windmill. ********** 1886/7 'Exercises de Travaux Manuels d'apres le journal 'L'Instruction Primaire', a book of folded examples of classwork produced by L'ecole Louis Vauquelin de Rouen in 1886-1887, includes actual examples of Cut and Fold Windmills folded by pupils at the school. ********** This design also appears: 1887 As 'A Lot of Paper Windmills' in 'How? Or Spare Hours Made Profitable for Boys and Girls' by Kennedy Holbrook, which was published by Worthington Co in New York in 1887. ********** 1889 In 'Jeux et Travaux Enfantins - Première partie: Le Monde en Papier' by Marie Koenig and Albert Durand was published by Librairie Classique A. Jeande in Paris in 1889. ********** 1891 In 'Pleasant Work for Busy Fingers' by Maggie Browne, which was published by Cassell and Company in London in 1891. This book is an English version of 'Des Kindes Erste Beschaftigungsbuch' enhanced by the addition of a few extra designs. ********** 1894 In 'Jeux et Occupations Pour les Petits: Guide des Mères et des Institutrices' by Henriette Suzanne Brés was published by Librairie Classique Fernand Nathan in Paris in 1894. ********** 1895 There is a drawing of the Cut and Fold Windmill in Eleonore Heerwart's 'Course in Paperfolding' was first published in Dutch in 1895 then in English by Charles and Dible in London and Glasgow in 1896. ********** 'Froebel's Occupations', written by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith and published by Houghton, Mifflin and Company, of Boston and New York in 1896 includes the observation 'In the firelit winter evenings, before the days of the useful (and ugly) match, our grandmothers folded dainty lamplighters ... and when the pretty work was over, marvellous paper boats and boxes and windmills were fashioned for the expectant audience. Many times in the quiet home-life of the German peasant Froebel ... saw parents and children united in this simple art ...' Unfortunately we cannot know which design of paper windmill is being referred to here. ********** This design also appears: 1899 In 'Le Livre des Amusettes' by Toto, which was published in Paris by Charles Mendel in 1899. ********** 1900 As 'Moulin a Vent' in 'Mes Jolie Jeux' by Henriette Suzanne Bres, which was published by Librairie Hachette in Paris in 1900. ********** In an article the French children's magazine 'Mon Journal', probably in 1900, although I have not been able to identify the exact date of the article. ********** 1902 In the March 1902 issue of the American children's magazine St Nicholas in an article titled 'Spin, Whiz, Whirl!' about the making of spinning tops which included instructions for making a circle of Pinwheels. No instructions for making the Pinwheels themselves was given. ********** 1904 In 'Guia Practica del Trabajo Manual Educativo' by Ezequiel Solana, which was published by Editorial Magisterio Español in Madrid in 1904. In this case it is shown in a double version. ********** 1904 As 'Windradchen' in 'Handbüchlein der Papierfaltekunst' (Handbook of Paperfolding Art) by J Sperl, which was first published by by H Hartleben's Verlag in Wien and Leipzig in 1904. ********** In 'The Book of Indoor Games' by J K Benson, which was published by C Arthur Pearson Limited in London in 1904. ********** 1905 An illustration of the Cut and Fold Windmill appears in the Buenos Aires edition of the magazine 'Caras y Caretas', Issue 238, of 25th March 1905, where it is just called 'veleta'. ********** 1907 A design called 'Anemometro' (Anemometer) is described, but not illustrated, in an article titled 'El trabajo manual escolar' by Vicente Casto Legua in the January 1907 issue of the Spanish magazine 'La Escuela Moderna' which was published in Madrid by Los Sucesores de Hernando. From the description it is clear that this is the Cut and Fold Windmill. ********** 1910 As 'Flattermühle' in Part 2 'Das Flechten' of 'Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen' by Marie Muller-Wunderlich, which was published by Friedrich Brandstetter in Leipzig in 1910. ********** As 'Windmuhle' in 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hildergard Gierke and Alice Kuczynski, which was published by Drud und Verlag B G Teubner in Leipzig and Berlin in 1910. ********** As 'Windmill' in 'Handicraft in the School', which was issued in four volumes by Gresham Publishing in London in 1910. ********** 1914 As 'El molino' in 'El Trabajo Manual en la Escuela' by Félix Martí Alpera, which was published by Libreria de los Sucesores de Hernando in Madrid in 1914. ********** 1918 In 'Ciencia Recreativa' by Jose Estralella, which was published by Gustavo Gili in Barcelona in 1918. ********** 1923 In 'Paper Magic' by Will Blyth, published by C Arthur Pearson in London in 1923. ********** As 'Windrad' (Windmill) in 'Falten und Formen mit Papier' by Richard Rothe which was published by Deutscher Verlag für Jugend und Volk in Vienna and Leipzig in 1923. ********** As 'El Molinete' in 'Trabajos Manuales y Juegos Infantiles' by Francisco Blanch, which was published by I. G. Seix y Barral Hermanos S.A.- Editores in Barcelona in 1923. ********** c1930 As 'El Rehilete' in 'Juguetes de Papel', which was published by Editorial Muntanola in Barcelona c1930. ********** 1932 In 'Winter Nights Entertainments' by R M Abraham, which was first published by Constable and Constable in London in 1932. ********** In Booklet 5 of 'Images a Plier', a series of 6 booklets published by Librairie Larousse in Paris in 1932. ********** In Booklet 2 of 'Figuras de Papel', a series of 3 booklets published by B Bauza in Barcelona in 1932. ********** 1933 As 'Moulins a Vent' in 'Jeux de pliages' by Ferdinand Krch, which was published by Flammarion in Paris in 1933. ********** 1936 As 'Windmuhle' 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten' by Hilde Wulff and Carola Babick, which was published in Leipzig and Berlin in 1936. ********** As 'Paper Windmills or Pinwheels' in 'More Things Any Boy Can Make' by Joseph Leeming, which was published by D Appleton-Century Company in New York and London in 1936. ********** 1937 In 'Paper Toy Making' by Margaret Campbell, which was first published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd in London, probably in 1937, although both the Foreword and Preface are dated 1936, which argues that the book was complete at that date, where it is called 'Revolving Windmill'. ********** 1939 In 'El Mundo de Papel' by Dr Nemesio Montero, which was published by G Miranda in Edicions Infancia in Valladolid in 1939. ********** As 'Paper Pinwheels' in 'Fun with Paper' by Joseph Leeming, which was published by Spencer Press Inc in Chicago in 1939. ********** 1940 In 'At Home Tonight' by Herbert McKay, which was published by Oxford University Press in London, New York and Toronto in 1940. ********** 1949 'Au Pays des Mains Agiles', which was published by Editions Fleurus in Paris in 1949. ********** 1951 As 'Molinillo de Papel' in 'Papiroflexia' by Elias Gutierrez Gil, which was self-published in 1951. ********** 1961 As 'Windrad' in 'Wir Falten' by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, which was published by Rudolf Arnold Verlag in Leipzig in 1961. ********** |