The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 29/4/2024 x |
The Solid Box | |||||||
page attempts to record what is known about the origin
and history of the origami design known as the Firm of
Solid Box, which is an un-unfoldable design developed
from the Frame. Please contact me if you know any of this
information is incorrect or if you have any other
information that should be added. Thank you. ********** 1859 A design called 'La boite solide' appears in a list of designs in the 'Manuel Pratique de Jardins D'Enfants de Friedrich Froebel, which was compiled by J F Jacobs and published in Brussells and Paris in 1859. From its position in the list it is almost certain that this is the Solid Box design. ********** 1873 As far as I know the earliest illustration of the design appears in 'Die Praxis Des Kindergartens' by Auguste Koehler, which was published by Herman Bohlau in Weimar in 1873. ********** 1874 There is an illustration of a design called ' Ein Neidrige Kastchen' (a low box), which is probably the Solid Box, in the third edition of 'Der Kindergarten' by Hermann Goldammer, which was published by Carl Babel in Berlin in 1874 ********** The design also appears: 1880 As 'A Firm Box' in 'The Kindergarten Principle' by Mary J Lyschinska, which was published in London in 1880 by Wm Isbister Ltd. ********** 1882 As 'The Firm Box' in part two of 'The Kindergarten Guide' by Maria Kraus Boelte and John Kraus, which was probably first published in 1882 by E. Steiger and Company in New York ... ********** 1895 A design that, from the context, is probably the Solid Box is pictured, but not named, in Eleonore Heerwart's 'Course in Paperfolding', which was first published in Dutch in 1895 then in English by Charles and Dible in London and Glasgow in 1896. ********** 1910 As 'Das Kästschen' in Part 2 'Das Flechten' of 'Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen' by Marie Muller-Wunderlich, which was published by Friedrich Brandstetter in Leipzig in 1910. The wording makes it clear that this is the Solid Box. although the drawing looks more like the Junk Box. The inclusion of flaps in the drawing is an error. The wording says, roughly, 'The inner edges are carefully pulled apart fron the mirror frame'. ********** |