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Last updated 27/3/2024


Scientific Amusements by Tom Tit, 1918
'Scientific Amusements' by Tom Tit, translated by C G Knott, was published by Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd in London in 1918.

This book is a translation of some of the material from volumes 2 and 3 of 'La Science Amusante' by Tom Tit togeher with some additional material added by the translator.

A full copy of the text of the work (although lacking the cover and title page) can be accessed online here.





The Necessary Instruments - How to Construct Accurate Right Angles by Folding Paper


The Equilateral Triangle - How to Construct the Equilateral Triangle by Folding Paper

The Regular Hexagon - How to Construct the Regular Hexagon by Folding Paper


The Pentagon and the Five-Pointed Star - The Pentagonal Knot and the See-Through Pentagram


Sum of Angles of a Triangle - How to Sum the Angles of a Triangle


How To Trace an Oval with a Pair of Compasses


The Paper Ladder - The Newspaper Ladder


A Paper Ladder by a Single Cut - The Fold and One Cut Ladder


The Rectangle and its Diagonals - Pattern Drawing Puzzles Solved by Folding Paper


To Construct a Hexagon by Finger Pressure - How to Flatten a Mobius Band into a Regular Hexagon with a 'Coup de Poing'


The Five-Pointed Star with a Single Cut - The Fold and One Cut Pentagram


The Seven Pentagons - The Pentagonal Knot


A Camel Through the Needle's Eye - How to Pass a Big Coin Through a Small Hole


A Cylinder Transformed into a Pyramid - How to Make a Tetrahedron from a Tube or Envelope


The Maximum Envelope - How to Make the Largest Possible Envelope from a Given Rectangle


Paper Puppets - Fold, Cut and Fold Figures


Vesta Figures - The Rower
