The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 12/2/2025


Bibliography of Paper Folding by Gershon Legman, 1952
Gershon Legman published a preliminary version of this bibliography in the magazine "Magicol" in May 1952 (see entry for Legman below). The full version was privately published in booklet form as 'Bibliography of Paper Folding' later in that year. My grateful thanks to Wayne Brown for providing me with a copy of this document.

As far as I know this bibliography was not subsequently revised.

Legman cannot resist adding acerbic comments to some of the entries, in one of which which he calls Heerwart's book, 'The end-point of the sterile complexity of the Froebel folds', clearly betraying his failure to understand the Froebelian emphasis on experiment and creativity.

Legman sent a copy of this bibliogtaphy to Robert Harbin on 8th April 1955. (Information from Laura Rosenberg.) Harbin subsequently used it as the basis of the bibliography in his book 'Paper Magic', published in 1956.

Legman also gifted a copy to Lillian Oppenheimer in 1957 (see below).

Honda mentions this bibliography several times in hnis 'The World of Origami', published in 1965.


The cover illustration was derived from 'The Art of Paper Folding in Japan' a magazine article written by Frederick Starr and published in the issue of the tourist magazine 'Japan' for October 1922 (see entry for Starr below).

Notes on the entries and links to pages relating to the sources mentioned can be found at the foot of this page.


The Work


Notes and Errata

Entry for:

Abe - I have been unable to locate a copy of 'Shogakku shuko kyojo seian'.

Abraham - see 'Winter Nights Entertainments' by R M Abraham, 1932

Adams - I have been unable to locate a copy of 'The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games and Recreations'

Ahrens - 'Mathematische unterhaltungenund spiele by W Ahrens' was first published in 1901 not 1919.

Aramburu - see 'Trabajo Manual Educativo'

Aus papier - See Aus papier: gefaltet, gefalzt, geklebt, 1940

Aviso - see Trattato Della Sfera by Urban d'Aviso, 1682

Ball - this book was first published in 1892 not 1902 - see Paper Folding and Cutting by Katherine M Ball, 1892

Bamberger - see 'Education of Head and Hand' by Gabriel Bamberger, 1891. 'How to Cut and Fold Paper' was first published in 1922 not 1928. 'Paper Folding Manual' was probably first published in 1906 not 1912. I have not seen a copy of this work. It may be an extract of material from 'Education of Head and Hand'

Beskow - this work was originally published in 1938 as 'My Rainy Day Book: A Handwork Book for Children' by Elsa Beskow and Anna Warburg, translated from Swedish by Frances Harbord.

Blyth - see 'Paper Magic' and 'More Paper Magic'

The Book of Knowledge - I have been unable to locate a copy of the 1928 edition of this work.

Campbell - see 'Paper Toy Making'

Carpenter - see Article by Allan Carpenter in Popular Mechanics magazine, 1946

Cassell's - Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games and Fireside Fun was published in 1881 not 1912

Champy - see 'Trabajo Manual'

Chanin - This design is a fold, cut and fold design published as The Lop-Eared Rabbit

Charles - should be Chasles - see 'Images A Plier' by M R Chasles, 1932

Chesterton - see 'Manalive'

Durham - see entry for 1901 in Paperfolding in St Nicholas magazine

Dyszel - see entry for 1940 in Money Folding

Engelhardt - I have been unable to locate a copy of 'Papiergestaltung'

Figuras de papel - see 'Figuras de Papel', 1932

Fourrey - see 'Procedes originaux de constructions geometriques'

Froebel - see Friedrich Froebel's Gesammelte Padogogische Schriften edited by Wichard Lange, 1861

Gardner - see entry for 1949 in Money Folding and Articles in 'Children's Digest' magazine by Martin Gardner, 1951/2. I have not been able to locate a copy of Hugard's Magic Monthly for September 1949.

Geist - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Spielzeug - Eine bunte Fibel'.

Geigher - see Trattato delle piegature

Gierke - See 'Allerlei Papierarbeiten'

Glantz - see Scrap Fun for Everyone

Goldston - see 'Paper Tricks'.

Hammel - thie work is properly titled 'Educational Training Manual No 1: Paper Folding'. It appears to be a book of Paper Sloyd style designs. I have not been able to locate a full copy.

Heerwart - see Course in Paperfolding

Hercat - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Chapeaugraphy, Shadowgraphy and Paper-Folding'

Honda - see Origami Part 1 (upper)

Houdini - see Houdini's Paper Magic

How to Fold an Easter Lily - see entry for 1914 in Paperfolding in St Nicholas magazine

How to Make the Airship - see The Delineator for September 1912 - the 'airship' was a cut out and glue together model of a paper aeroplane, not a paperfold per se.

Huber - See 'Das Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein'

Jacobs - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Out of a Handkerchief'

Kanomado - see The Kan No Mado

Kawarasaki - see Origami Moyo, Book One and Origami Moyo, Book Two

Kellogg - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'How to Fold and Cut Paper'

Kikuchi - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Japanese Classical Art Origami: It's Methods and Samples'

Kodomo - I have not been able to locate a copy of the issue of Kodomo Kurabu (Young Children's Club) for October 1950

Kokumin - I have not been able to locate a copy of this encyclopedia.

Lareo - See 'Papiro-Zoo: Manual practico de cocotologia o papirologia'

Latter - I have not been able to locate a full copy of 'Paper Folding for Schools'

Leeming - see Fun with Paper. I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Papercraft: How to make toys, favors and useful articles'

Legman - see Phoenix magazine, March 1952 and Phoenix magazine January 1953

Lietzmann - see Lustiges und merkwürdiges von Zahlen und Forme

Lucas - see Recreations Mathematiques

Luchia - see El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria

Macleod - 'How to Teach Paper-Folding and Cutting' was first published in 1892.

Mapes - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Fun with Your Child'

McGaw - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Basketry and Paper-Folding'

Meyer - I have not been able to locate a copy of Hugard's Magic Monthly for April 1949

Mizaki - The earliest edition of 'Origami to kirinuki tehon' I can locate is from 1954 not 1947. However, the 1947 date may well be correct. I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Shuko Origami To Kirigami'.

Montero - see El Mundo de Papel

Morley - See 'A Note on Knots' and 'Inversive Geometry'

Moulidars - see Grande encyclopédie méthodique, universelle, illustrée, des jeux et des divertissements de l'esprit et du corps, 1888

Murray - see Fun with Paper Folding

Nakajima - see Article including designs by Taneji Nakajima in School Arts, December 1938. I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Origami saiku: shuko kyozai'.

Nast - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Tex and his Toys'.

Netzband - see Faltarbeiten aus Papier 1 and Faltarbeiten aus Papier 2

Nishidate - The correct title of the work is 'Gainouka Kousaku Kenkyu Origami Ni Yoru Rensei', which see.

Ogasawara - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Origami to mizuhiki no kakekata zukai'.

Osborne - see Napkin Folding. I have not been able to locate a copy of an earlier edition.

Pallardo - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Trabajo Manual'.

Paper-folding: A Popular Pastime - I have not been able to locate a copy of this article.

Papierfalten Faltschule nach Frobel - I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Pasatiempos - 'Pasatiempos' is the series name and 'Juguetes de Papel' the name of the booklet. Probably published c1930. I have not been able to locate a full copy of this work.

Paviere - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Paper Twisting and Crumpling for Infants and Younger Juniors'

Penaloza - title and date should be 'Enseñanza práctica de la geometría en la escuela primaria: Metodología', c1919. I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Ritchie - title should be ' Practical Handwork for the Infant School: Vol 1 - Paper Occupations'.

Rocheron - title should presumably be 'Le Travail Manuel a L'Ecole Primaire' by Jully & Rocheron first published 1892.

Rothe - see Falten und Formen mit Papier

Row - see Geometrical Exercises in Paperfolding

Sarasas - see Origami: Folding Paper for Children

Satow - see Japanisches Geschlechtsleben

Savineau - see 'Pliage et Decoupage du Papier' - I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Sheldon - 'Illustrated Lessons' was first published in 1892. I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Shihota - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Orimono hinakata'.

Shikaka Origami Dzukai - I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Shinkufu mon kata kiriyo - I have not been able to locate a copy of this work.

Snyder - see Bill-Folds by Al O'Hagan

Socony - see Advertising Flyer for Socony-Vacuum Corp featuring the Flapping Bird

Solorzano - I have not been able to locate a copy of Papirolas 3 or Tratado de Papiroflexia Superior. All other works mentioned are available on the Sources page.

Solorzano (works about):

By E Algani - I have not been able to locate a copy of El Hogar, Buenos Aires, Sept 1950.

By M Garcia Hernandez - I have not been able to locate a copy of Diario de la Marina, March 1941.

By A Villacian Burgos - I have not been able to locate a copy of Buenos Aires Sinfonia, Dec 1947.

Soong - see The Art of Chinese Paperfolding

Sperl - See 'Handbuchlein der Papierfaltekunst'

Starr - see 'The Art of Paper Folding in Japan'

Things to Make and Do with Paper - See 'Things to Make and Do with Paper' - I have not been able to locate a full copy of this work.

Tissandier - see 'La Science Pratique' and 'Scientific Amusements'

Trabajo manual educativo - Della Penna: see Plegado laminas published by Della Penna - / La Estrada - I have not been able to locate copies of these sheets.

Trabajos manuales plegados - I have not been able to locate or date this work.

Uchiyama - I have not been able to locate Shin'an Origami Orikata Zukai, which, however, was pulished in 1935.

Unamuno - see Apuntes Para un Tratado de Cocotologia

Unamuno (works about):

By Ramon Gomez de la Serna - see Unamuno, Venegas y la Cocotologia / La vida - La evolucion de la pajarita

By Andre Corthis see Pèlerinages en Espagne and Peregrinaciones por España

By Carlos Leumann see La Prensa, November 1936 and La Prensa, January 1937

By Joaquin de Luna in Plus Ultra, December 1925

By M Martin Agacir in Estampa December 1932. The second article in Estampa of September 1934 is by Emilio Fournet not M Martin Agacir

By Leandro Pita Romero in La Capital - I have not been able to locate a copy of this article but see Article about Miguel de Unamuno in La Capital, November 1939.

By Juan Jose de Soiza Reilly - see 'Cien Hombres Celebres' and article in 'Caras y Caretas' of February 1908 and Tratado de Papiroflexia Superior

By Vicente Solorzano Sagredo - see Tratado de Papiroflexia Superior

Wagner - see Spielbuch fur Knaben - first published in 1864

Weston - see Laying out Curves by Folding Paper

Yapur - see 'Plegado'.

Yates - I have not been able to locate a copy of 'Tools: A Mathematical Sketch and Model Book '
