The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 19/2/2024


Paperfolding Stunts, Entertainments and Magical Effects
This page attempts to record what is known about the origin and history of Paperfolding Stunts, Entertainments and Magical Effects. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

See also Money Folding / Dollar Bill Folding.


The Chinese Wallet - 1500 onwards


The Buddha Papers - 1584 onwards


The Fold and Switch Effect - 1584 onwards


The Three Scrolls - 1584 onwards


How to Drop a Strip of Paper to Land on One Edge - 1636 onwards


Troublewit - 1676 onwards


How to Climb Through a Playing Card - 1716 onwards


The Immovable Card - 1881 onwards


Big Coin Through Small Hole Magic Trick 1892 onwards


The Coin Fold - 1899 onwards


The Ship's Wheel Magical Effect - 1920 onwards


The Improvised Brassiere - 1941 onwards


How to Turn a Bank Note Upside Down - 1941 onwards


The Lop-Eared Rabbit - 1947 onwards


The Magician's Purse / Zaubertüte - 1955 onwards


The Double Note - 1956

This effect appears in 'Paper Magic' by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne in London in 1956. The text says, 'Attributed to Will Goldston'.



Two other effects dependent upon paperfolding appear in 'Party Lines' by Robert Harbin was published by the Olbourne Book Co in London in 1963.

The Tight-Rope Coin


Magic Paper-Clips
