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Last updated 27/6/2024


Shuko kyozai origami zaiku by Taneji Nakajima, 1943
'Shuko Kyozai Origami Zaiku' (Big Book of Origami Crafts) by Taneji Nakajima was published by Kensetsu-sha in Tokyo in 1943.

This book is mentioned in an article by Satoshi Takagi, 'A Bibliographical Introduction to the Works of Nakajima Taneji', which was published in Tanteidan magazine 65 of March 2001.

Gershon Legman's 'Bibliograpy of Paperfolding', which was published in 1952, mentions a book with a similar title. 'Origami saiku: shuko kyozai' but gives the date of publication as 1936. I presume that this date is erroneous.
