The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 29/3/2024 x |
Paper Folding and Modelling by Aart van Breda, 1965 | |||||||
Folding and Modelling' by Aart van Breda was published by
Faber and Faber in London in 1965. It is a translation of
the second edition of 'Het Grote Vouwboek' by Aart van Breda, which
was published by Uitgeverij van Breda in 1963. I do not know if the contents of the original and the translation are identical. ********** ********** Analysis I have divided the designs into a number of categories for the sake of this analysis. These categories do not appear in the original work. An asterisk by the title of the design means it is believed to be new to the 1963 edition of 'Het Grote Vouwboek'. ********** Hats (7) Girl's Hat* ********** Three-Cornered Hat - The Newspaper Hat ********** Bishop's Mitre ********** Milkmaid's Bonnet ********** Cocked Hat* ********** Peaked Hat* ********** Viking Helmet* ********** Boats (8) Boat ********** Ship - The Paper Boat ********** The Ship is Wrecked - The Captain's Shirt ********** Skiff - The Keel Boat ********** Boat* - a version of The Keel Boat ********** Barge* - a version of The Keel Boat ********** Longboat* - a version of The Keel Boat ********** Sailing Boat* From a 4x1 strip ********** Gondola - The Chinese Junk ********** Hanging Decorations (7) Christmas Decoration* ********** Christmas Decoration* ********** Paper Ball - The Waterbomb ********** Christmas Decoration* (Inflatable) ********** Star* ********** Christmas Decoration* (Inflatable) ********** Christmas Decoration* (Inflatable) ********** Birds (12) Bird* ********** Bird* ********** Cockerel - The Cocotte / Pajarita ********** The Duck ********** Swan - a simplified version of The Nesting Crane ********** Flying Bird - The Flapping Bird ********** Crow* - The Crow with Legs ********** Stork* - The Paper Crane ********** Bird's Nest* ********** Hen on its Nest* ********** Peacock* ********** Pelican* ********** Furniture (6) Table* ********** Armchair* ********** Suite of Furniture* ********** Table* ********** Other Designs Banger - The Simple Banger ********** Beaker - The Paper Cup ********** Arrow - The Paper Dart (But folded from a square) ********** Letter - The Love Knot Letterfold ********** Handbag - The Wallet ********** The Pig (An unusual version ...) ********** Bird's Beak (Cut) - The Snapper Developed from the Keelboat ********** Strong Box* - The Magazine Cover Box ********** Box with Lids - The Junk Box ********** Windmill 1 - The Windmill ********** Windmill 2* ********** The Swallow* ********** The Bellows ********** Cat's Head ********** Frog - The Blow-up Frog ********** Star 1* ********** Star 2* ********** Star 3* ********** Star 4* ********** Tray* ********** See-saw (Cut)* ********** |