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Last updated 30/4/2024


The Pyramidal Hat
This page is being used to collect information about the history of the paperfold known as the Pyramidal Hat. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

The Pyramidal Hat design is most usually folded from an oblong (and developed from the Newspaper Hat) but can also be folded (in several different ways) from a square.

This page also includes information about simple variations of the design which do not have their own page.


Pyramidal Hats from Oblongs


The earliest diagrams that I am aware of for the Pyramidal (or possibly Pyramidical) Hat occur in 'The Boy's Own Toymaker' by Ebenezer Landells which was published in 1859 by Griffin and Farran in London and Shephard, Clark and Brown in Boston.


The design also appears:


As 'The Pyramidical Hat' in 'The Popular Recreator', which was published by Cassell and Co in London in 1873. The author notes that 'The hat may be finished off by affixing to the top a plume formed of strips of coloured paper'.



As 'Le Chapeau du Gendarme' in 'Un million de jeux et de plaisirs' by T de Moulidars, which was first published in 1880 and subsequently republished under the title 'Grande encyclopédie méthodique, universelle, illustrée, des jeux et des divertissements de l'esprit et du corps'.



In 'Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games and Fireside Fun', which was published by Cassell and Co in London in 1881.



In a satirical cartoon of General Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, on page 202 of the magazine Punch Vol. 85 of 27 October 1883. (Information from Juan Gimeno)



As 'Paper Hat (Pyramidal)' in 'The Home Book for Very Little People' by J H Vincent, which was published by Phillips and Hunt in New York in 1887.



In 'Illustriertes Spielbuch fur Kinder' by Ida Bloch was published by Otto Spamer in Leipzig in 1891.



As 'Bonnet de Police' in 'Le Travail Manuel a L'ecole Primaire' by Jully & Rocheron, which was published by Librairie Classique Eugene Belin in Paris in 1892.



As 'Bonnet de Police' in L'Annee Preparatoire de Travail Manuel' by M P Martin, which was published by Armand Collin & Cie in Paris in 1893.


As 'Chapeau de Gendarme' in the 28th May 1893 issue of 'Journal des Instituteurs'. This is extracted from the book 'Le Travail Manuel a L'ecole Primaire, by M. Coste et J. Lapassade, which had been published in 1887.



As 'Le Bonnet a Police' in 'Geometrie, Dessin et Travaux Manuels - Cours Moyen', produced under the direction of M E. Cazes, which was published by Librairie Ch. Delagrave in Paris in 1895'



As 'El Sombrero tricornio' in 'Repertorio Completo de Todos los Juegos' by de Luis Marco y Eugenio de Ochoa y Ronna, which was published in Madrid by Bailly-Bailliere e hijos in 1896.



In the French children's magazine 'Mon Journal' as 'Le chapeau de gendarme', most probably in 1900, although I have not been able to identify the exact date of the issue the article appeared in.



As 'Montera' in Guia Practica del Trabajo Manual Educativo' by Ezequiel Solana, which was published by Editorial Magisterio Español in Madrid in 1904. The author says 'There are several forms of monteras: We are going to explain a well-known one.'



As 'Le chapeau de gendarme' and it's variant 'Le casque moyen age' in 'Les Petits Secrets Amusants' by Alber-Graves, which was published by Librairie Hachette in Paris in 1908.



As ' Aufgeschlagener Helm' (the opened helmet) in Part 2 'Das Flechten' of 'Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen' by Marie Muller-Wunderlich, which was published by Friedrich Brandstetter in Leipzig in 1910.



In 'Paper Toy Making' by Margaret Campbell, which was first published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd in London, probably in 1937, although both the Foreword and Preface are dated 1936, which argues that the book was complete at that date.



In the guise of 'La pila del agua bendita' (The holy water font) in 'El Mundo de Papel' by Dr Nemesio Montero, which was published by G Miranda in Edicions Infancia in Valladolid in 1939.



As 'An Admiral's Hat' in 'Fun with Paper' by Joseph Leeming, which was published by Spencer Press Inc in Chicago in 1939.



As 'Gorro de Policia' in 'El Plegado y Cartonaje en la Escuela Primaria' by Antonio M Luchia and Corina Luciani de Luchia, which was published by Editorial Kapelusz in Buenos Aires in 1940.



In 'Paper Magic' by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne in London in 1956.



A 'Hut' in 'Wir Falten' by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, which was published by Rudolf Arnold Verlag in Leipzig in 1961. This work also contains two simple variations titled 'Hollandermutze' and 'Krone'.







Pyramidal Hats from Squares


As 'Sombrero apuntado' (Pointed hat) and 'Sombrero de general' (General's hat) in an article titled 'El trabajo manual escolar' by Vicente Casto Legua in the January 1907 issue of the Spanish magazine 'La Escuela Moderna' which was published in Madrid by Los Sucesores de Hernando.



As 'Chapeau de Gendarme' in 'Jeux de pliages' by Ferdinand Krch, which was published by Flammarion in Paris in 1933.
