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Last updated 30/4/2024


Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen by Marie Muller-Wunderlich, 1910
'Die Frobelschen Beschaftigungen' by Marie Muller-Wunderlich was published by Friedrich Brandstetter in Leipzig in four parts. Part 1: Das Flechten (Weaving), Part 2: Das Falten (Folding). Part 3: Die Erbsenarbeiten (Pea Work), Part 4: Die Tonarbeiten (Clay modelling). Of these, parts 1 and 2 contain paperfolding material. These books are kindergarten manuals.

As far as I know the first editions of all these books are undated. In his 'A History of Folding in Mathematics: Mathematizing the Margins' (p231) Michael Friedmann states that part 2 was 'published around the end of the nineteenth century.' I do not know what evidence he was relying on for this date. Dr Birgit Ebert has kindly let me have a copy of the flyer shown below, which is dated November / December 1910, and which strongly suggests that all four books were first published at that time. There is nothing in the wording of the flyer to suggest that this was a republication of previously published works. Pending receipt of any information to the contrary, I have therefore used 1910 as the publication date of the first edition.

I am grateful to Dr Birgit Ebert for also letting me see a full copy of Part 2 of this work.


Part 1: Das Flechten


Designs woven from folded strips


Fold, Cut and Fold Chevron Designs


Part 2: Das Falten


Part 2 contains sections on Das Falten and Schonheitsformen.

Das Falten

The Forms of Life (Das Falten) section is divided into:

The simplest folding shapes of the kindergarten (ie simple folds of life)

Folding from the simple basic groundform (ie from the double blintz base / windmill base)

Folding shapes that do not start from the basic groundform (ie miscellaneous designs)

Folding from the double basic groundform (ie the third groundform or triply blintzed basic form)

A number of other miscellaneous designs are tagged on at the end.

Inter alia the introductory material states, roughly translated, 'it is very boring for the child who likes to create if he is mainly taught in a folding lesson and the little fingers have to remain idle. The exploitation of the paper as an object of denonstration for mathematical lessons would rather be reserved for the intermediate and lower classes of the learning school (presumably elementary school).


Simple Froebelian Forms of Life

(Not numbered)

Bilderbuch (picture book)


Taschentuch (handkerchief)


Täschchen (purse)


Zelt (tent)


Umschlagetuch (shawl)


Segelschiff (sailing ship)


Haus (house)


Wickellbett (nappy changing table)


Briefumschlag (envelope)


Brief (letter)


Tüte (bag)


Becher (cup) - The Paper Cup


Designs from the double blintz base / windmill base

1. Salzfass - The Salt Cellar


2. Kabaret - The Pepperpot


Reisetasche - The Travel Bag


Krone - The King's Crown


Bett - The Bed


Körbchen - The Basket


Vogel (bird) - The Cocotte / Pajarita


Tisch - The Table


Windmühle - The Windmill


Das Segelschiff - The Boat with Sail


Krawatte (kravat) - The Vase


Drachen (dragon) - The Squid


13, Ente - The Duck


14, Doppelkahn - The Double Boat


15, Kahn mit Fischkasten - Boat with Fishbox


16, Zwei Fischkasten - The Portfolio


17, Das Spiegelrahmen - The Frame


18, Der Spiegel - The Mirror


19, Das Kästschen (the casket) - The Solid Box

(The wording makes it clear that this is the Solid Box. although the drawing looks more like the Junk Box. The inclusion of flaps in the drawing is an error. The wording says, roughly, 'The inner edges are carefully pulled apart fron the mirror frame'.)


Miscellaneous designs

20, Wandtasche (wall pocket) - The Paper Cup


21, Boot (boat) - The Keel Boat


22, Schweinchen - The Pig


23, Bilderrahmen (picture frame)


24, Haus (house) - Paper Sloyd


25, Die Sammet oder Perlentüte (velvet or pearl bag) - The Hexagonal Packet


26, Täschchen (purse) -


Designs from the triple blintz basic form

28, Orden (medal) - The Cross


29, Stern (star) - The Cross Star


30, Jacke (jacket) - The Jacket


31, Hose - The Trousers


32, Stiefel - The Pair of Boots


33, Stuhl - The Chair


34, Schmetterling - The Butterfly


35, Portemonnaie (coin wallet) - The Junk Box


36, Hohes Kästchen (height box) - The Junk Box


37, Gondel (gondola) - The Chinese Junk


More miscellaneous forms

38, Sanduhr (the sandglass)

Developed from the Portemonnaie


39, Guckkasten (peep box) - The Waterbomb


40, Nachtfalter (the moth)


41, Blasebalg - The Bellows


42, Frosch (frog) - The Waterbomb Base Frog


43, Blatt (leaf)

From a single pleated sheet.


44, Geschlossenes Kästchen (closed box) - The Catherine of Cleves Box


45, Flattermühle - The Cut and Fold Windmill


46, Knalltasche (pop bag) - The Paper Banger

It is interesting to note that in these instructions the diagonal creases are not diagonals of the central single layer, as they might be in a modern version of the design. Widening the diagonals increases the ease with which the banger can be made to fire.


47, Zaubertäschchen (magic bag) - The Puzzle Purse


48, Sonnenschirmchen (the parasol)

Made in two pieces.


49, Henne mit Küchlein (hen with chicks) - The Cocotte / Pajarita


50, Tisch mit Stühlen (table with chairs) - The Table / The Chair / The Salt Cellar


51, Schippe (shovel) and 52, Spitze Schippe (spade) - The Shovel


53, Einfacher Helm (easy helmet) - The Newspaper Hat


54, Aufgeschlagener Helm (the opened helmet) - The Pyramidal Hat


55, Fächer (the fan) - Pleated Paper Fans


56, Schmetterling (the butterfly)

Folded from two pieces


57, Ordensstern (medal star)

Folded from two pieces


58, Zugvögel (migratory birds).


59, Grosse Schiff (large ship) - The Paper Boat


60, Federkasten - The Pencil Case


61, Pfeil (arrow) - The Paper Dart


62, Ziehharmonika (accordion) - The Witch's Ladder


63-65, Bänder (the bands).


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