The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 21/8/2024


Unamuno, Venegas y la Cocotologia / La vida - La evolucion de la pajarita by Ramon Gomez de la Serna, 1922
The essay 'Unamuno, Venegas y la Cocotologia' by Ramon Gomez de la Serna was published in his book 'Variaciones' which was published by Publicaciones Atenea in Madrid in 1922.

This work is mentioned in Gershon Legman's 'Bibliography of Paperfolding' which was published in 1952.

A column by the same author, titled 'La vida - La evolucion de la pajarita', which contained an extract of the information published in 'Variaciones', and also an illustration of the Gran Chimpance, appeared in the newspaper 'El Liberal' on 5th April 1922.

If anyone could help with either a transliteration of the Spanish or a translation of the text into English I would be most grateful.



Page 193 contains a misprint. The name 'Gandi' should read 'Gaudi'.

