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Last updated 30/4/2024


Una Hoja de Papel by Lorenzo Herrero, 1952
'Una Hoja de Papel' was published anonymously by Miguel A Salvatella in Barcelona in 1952, although the author is now known to have been Lorenzo Herrero Sainz. I am indebted to Juan Gimeno for the information on this page.

The details of the contents of the work on this page are taken from the 1980 5th Edition, but I believe that they are identical to those of the original work.

The author does not specify the origin of any of the designs. However, he subsequently provided a list to Juan Gimeno of those that were his own work. In the analysis I have separated out those that were his own designs and those that were traditional or learned from other places.

The author's designs use various starting shapes, squares, oblongs and rhombi, are sometimes composed of several parts and frequently use cuts.


About the Author

Lorenzo Herreo was born in Burgos in 1913 and died in 1997 in Guadalajara.

He created his first original design, a 'lawyer's hat' in 1924 and his 'Avestruz' (see 40 below) shortly thereafter after learning how to construct an equilateral triangle by folding at school.

He fought in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and created some of the figures in the book from the pamphlets dropped from planes by the other side.

After the war, the need for money to survive the harsh post-war years made him conceive of creating a book of paperfolding designs. He proposed the book to several children's newspapers and other publishers until finally, in 1950, it was accepted for publication by Editorial Salvatella in Barcelona, but only on condition that it was published anonymously. His financial need was so great that he also sold the copyright.

Much later, Vicente Palacios, gathering information in the archives of the publishing house, found the name of the author there and managed to locate him.

A brief biography of Lorenzo Herrero, written by Gabriel Alvarez was published in 'Pajarita' no 4 in 1983 (pages 18-19).


Designs of unknown origin

2. Caja Mantecadas (Box for Shortbread) - The Basic Box

From a 2x1 rectangle.


6. Caja Sorpresa - The Catherine of Cleves Box


7. Cartera (Briefcase)

(Learned from his Aunt Cruz)


9. Pajarita - The Cocotte / Pajarita

Made from a blintzed square.


10. Salero - The Salt Cellar


11. Mesa Sencilla - The Table


12. Barco de Vela - Boat with Sail


13. Mesa

Variation of the Mesa Sencilla.


14. Molino - The Windmill


15. Carro - The Wagon


16. Destructor - The Steamship


17. Barca Doble - The Double Boat

Made from a blintzed square.


18. Barca Doble Vela - Boat with Two Sails

Made by pulling out two blintzes from the Barca Doble and rearranging the sails.


19. Caja - The Junk Box


20. Barca del Rey y la Reina - The Chinese Junk


21. Cartera - The Junk Box squashed flat


22. Quepis


23. Cesto de Fruta

Made from a square divided into thirds both ways.


24. Gorro - The Newspaper Hat


25. Mitra - The Mitre


26. Barco - The Paper Boat


27. Bota (Boot)

From a square.


28. Piramide


29. Aeroplano - The Dove


30. Fuelle - The Bellows


31. Condor

This is the front section of the Swallow paper plane, with extra folds to create the bend in the wings.


32. Globo - The Waterbomb


33. Tricornio


37. Cestito

From a square.


38. Llama (Cut) - The Cut Horse


39. Rana - The Inflatable Frog


41. Boneto - The Curate's Hat


42. Vaso - The Paper Cup


45. Mesita

From a bird base.


46. Pajarita Voladora - The Flapping Bird


47. Golondrina

From a bird base.


48. Pinguino

From a bird base.


49. Pavo

From a bird base.


50. Camello (Cut)

From a bird base - heavily cut.


57. Elefante (Cut) - The Spanish Elephant


Designs by the Author

1. Tienda de Campana

From an oblong.


3. Cama

From an oblong.


4. Silla

From an oblong.


5. Butaca

From an oblong.


8. Maceta

From a square divided into thirds both ways.


34. Bailarina (cut three part design)


35. Anfora

From a square.


36. Muneco (three-part design) - developed from the Suit of Clothes


40. Avestruz

From an equilateral triangle.


43. Robot (three part design)

One part from a rhombus.


44. Gorro de Pelota Base

From a square.


51. Perro Sentado (Cut)

From a bird base.


52. Pinguino (segundo modelo) (Cut)

From a bird base.


53. Tortuga (Cut)

From a bird base.


54. Pajaro Grotesco (Cut)

From a bird base.


55. Gallo (Cut)

From a bird base.


56. Halcon (Cut)

From a bird base.


58. Rinoceronte (three-legged design) (Cut)

From a bird base.


59. Canguro (Cut)

From a bird base.


60. Oso Erguido (Cut)

From a bird base.


61. Cabeza de Toro

From a rhombus.


62. Campana

From a rhombus.


63. El Gigantello de Burgos o Alcalde de Arcos (two-part design)

One part is from a rhombus.


64. Foca (Cut)

From a rhombus.


65. Pato (Cut)

From a rhombus.


66. Pinguino (tercer modelo) (Cut)

From a rhombus.


67. Ardilla Cut)

From a rhombus.


68. Cerdo (Cut)

From a rhombus.


69. Gacelo (Cut)

From a rhombus.


70. Dragon (Cut)

From a rhombus.


71. Caracol (Cut)

From a rhombus.


72. Aguila (Cut)

From a rhombus.


73. Cocodrilo (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From rhombi.


74. Antilope (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From rhombi.


75. Buey (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From rhombi.


76. Oso (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From rhombi.


77. Perro Lobo (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From one square and one rhombus.


78. Perro Fox-Terrier (Cut) (compound two-part design)

From one square and one rhombus.


79. Moza, Camino de la Fuente (four part design)


80. Nazareno (three-part design)
