The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 25/12/2025


The Girl's Own Book by Lydia Marie Child
'The Girl's Own Book' by Lydia Marie Child was published by Clark Austin and Co in New York in 1833. It contains instructions explaining how to make:

Paper Ball Baskets - ie a basket made of card and decorated by quilling.

Paper Rosettes (the flat form of the Froebel / German / Swedish etc Star made by folding and weaving together four strips of paper)


Alumets (presumably a misspelling of allumettes which is French for matches). Although the opening sentence claims that 'These ornamental papers are principally for show' it is clear from the following words 'although the avowed purpose is to light cigars, lamps, &c' they are in fact fancy paper spills made by folding and cutting strips of paper.


Paper Screens (effectively a pleated folded paper fan)


The Paper Honeycomb (a fold and cut design) about which is said 'In England, where they burn coal more than they do here, they fasten sheets of paper together and cut them in this way, to throw over the front of stoves during the summer season.'


The Three Crosses (a version of the Fold and Cut Latin Cross)


Candle Ornaments (a fold and cut design for a flower with a hole in the centre which can be seen as a forerunner of the Paper Doily)


Lace Work Cuttings. The instructions are not particularly clear but this appears this is a form of fold and cut frieze.


This book also contains the following interesting passage: 'Folded Papers. There are a variety of things made for the amusement of small children by cutting and folding paper; such as boats, soldiers' hats, birds, chairs, tables, baskets, &c. but they are very difficult to describe; and any little girl who wishes to make them, can learn of some obliging friend in a very few moments.'