The Public Paperfolding History Project

Index Page


The Flapping Bird
The 'Flapping Bird: An Origami Monthly' was a periodical edited by Samuel Randlett and published by Jay Marshall of Magic Inc, a magic company based in Chicago. The illustrations were drawn by Jean Randlett.

Twenty five issues were produced between 1968 and 1976. Each issue consisted solely of diagrams for a number of designs. Although it was called an 'Origami Monthly' it was never produced that frequently. There were two issues in 1968, seven in 1969, four in 1970, four in 1971, one in 1972, none in 1973, six in 1974, none in 1975 and one in 1976.


1968 - Issue 1

Owl by Robert Neale


Horrors by Robert Neale


Man in the Moon by John M Nordquist


1968 - Issue 2

Angel by Neal Elias


Sixfold Ornament by Robert Neale (6-part modular)


Salt Substitute by Robert Neale (6-part modular)


Christmas Card by Samuel Randlett

From one square plus a decorative insert.


1969 - Issue 3

Valentine Box by Florence Temko (Cut)


Heart and Arrow by Neal Elias


Double Valentine by Betsy Kitsch


1969 - Issue 4

Camel by George Rhoads


Omar Khayyam by Neal Elias


Embroidered Ball by Jack L Skillman (2-part modular)

(This ball will collapse flat in two directions, but this property does not appear to have been known to Jack Skillman).


1969 - Issue 5

Dragon by Robert Neale


Robin by Frederic G Rohm


Daschund by Harry Weiss


1969 - Issue 6

Crucifix by Neal Elias (in two pieces)

From two squares of different sizes which slot together without the need for glue.


1969 - Issue 7

Piglet by Robert Neale


Puss In Boots by Freferic G Rohm


Strawberry by Rae Cooker


1969 - Issue 8

George Washington by Neal Elias


Geisha with Sunshade by Neal Elias


Airedale by Harry Weiss


1969 - Issue 9

Twist by Robert Neale


Tryst by Robert Neale


Indian Sign by Robert Neale


1970 - Issue 10

Michelangelo's Pieta by Neal Elias


Sister of Charity by Harry Weiss


Tropical Fish by George Rhoads


1970 - Issue 11

Self-Mailer - Traditional Japanese (the text says 'introduced ... by Louise Cooper ... It appears to derive from the unit used in the traditional Pagoda ...'


Bull Mask by Samuel Randlett


1970 - Issue 12

Bow-Tie Bill by Neal Elias (Dollar Bill Fold)


Purse by Samuel Randlett


Pinwheel by Robert Neale

From the Purse


1970 - Issue 13

Welsh Witch by Robert Harbin


Bill Bow-Tie by Neal Elias (Dollar Bill Fold)


1971 - Issue 14

Fanged Mask by George Rhoads


Nodding Dog by J S Smith (compound)


Bookmark by Jessie Seto


1971 - Issue 15

Stag by Frederic G Rohm (Cut)

The text says 'This Stag is the strongest possible argument for the validity of cuts.'


Binary Star by Samuel Randlett (2-part modular)


Each One Eat One by Susan Randlett (4-part modular)

Uses Bookmark by Jessie Seto as a module to create a coaster.


1971 - Issue 16

Figure of Christ by Eric Kenneway


Saar Star by Endla Saar


Memo Holder / Coin Purse / Hat by Jessie Seto

(effecitively a wall pocket)


1971 - Issue 17

Flapping Bird by Arthur C Smith


Flapping Bird by J S Smith


Lark by Carol St John (also a flapping bird)


1972 - Issue 18

Vice Versa by Robert Neale

Described as 'a kind of harlequin Salt Cellar that has been turned back upon itself'.


Two Swans by Robert W Hirschfield


1974 - Issue 19

Rabbit by William Molloy

The text states it was devised in 1970 when William Molloy was 12 years old.

The text also states that 'William Molloy adds eyes and blackens the Rabbit's nose.'


Veiltail Goldfish by Samuel Randlett


Flag by Jessie Seto


1974 - Issue 20

Sailboat by Robert Neale (dollar bill fold)


Tubble by Robert Harbin

( a transformable design)


Food Dish by John M Nordquist (dollar bill fold)


1974 - Issue 21

Chinese Waterlily by E D Sullivan (Cut) (modular)


Cube by Ho Tsak-man (2-part modular)


1974 - Issue 22

Dilly Basket by Betsy Kitsch


Spiral Bud by E D Sullivan


Japanese House by E D Sullivan


1974 - Issue 23

Star Plaque by Lewis Simon

From a hexagon


Goldfish - Traditional Chinese (The Blow-up Goldfish) (the text notes that this design was discovered by Philip Shen 'in the pages of the Hong Kong periodical 'Children's Paradise'.'


Fangs by Eric Kenneway


1974 - Issue 24

Lamb by George Rhoads


Conservative Puppy by George Rhoads


Progressive Puppy by George Rhoads

The text adds that 'George Rhoads adds eyes to these twin puppies.'


Button by Susan Randlett


1976 - Issue 25

Harlequin Dish by Thelma Randlett


XYZ by E D Sullivan (6-part modular)


Flying Bat by David Morgan


Omega Star by Philip Shen (6-part modular)

Developed from XYZ by E D Sullivan
