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Last updated 27/6/2024


Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (middle) by Taneji Nakajima, 1932

'Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho' (middle) (New Origami Crafts Reference Book 2) by Taneji Nakajima, was published by Taunggyi Bookstore in Osaka in 1932.

The information on this page is taken from a copy of the work held in the library of the Museo del Origami in Colonia, Uruguay, and is used by kind permission of Laura Rozenberg.

Some of the designs are uncut but the majority use cuts to create details that add a degree of extra realism to the designs.

The Red Demon and Blue Demon designs are actual paperfolds glued onto the page. These have clearly been decorated by hand after being folded, again to add extra detail to the design.

The woodcuts show that it was the author's intention that the other designs should also be enhanced / decorated after they had been folded. Inter alia the Introduction says (roughly) 'You can freely make a deer, a small monkey, a sea leopard, a pheasant, a swan or a pelican from pieces of paper. If you would like to add some colour to it, it would become a lovely decoration on your desk, or in a corner of your library.'

The author does not specifically state that these are (or are not) his own original designs, but it seems lilely that many of them are.


Front Cover - Sealions (not diagrammed within the work)







Red Demon and Blue Demon (not diagrammed within the work)


Tachio (Cut)

There is also a female figure which is not explained.




Scarecrow (Cut)


Monkey (Compound figure)

The designs shown on the back cover are variations of this design.


Nesting Crane


Squid (Cut) - from a right angle isosceles triangle


Shrimp - from a right angle isosceles triangle

(The folding diagrams for the Shrimp are on page 12 above)


Deer (Cut)


Pheasant (Cut)


Title Page


Back Cover
