The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Paperfolding in the Rupert Bear Annuals

Please let me know if you find any errors in the information on this page or can fill in any of the gaps. Thank you.

Those designs which are not annotated either with an additional title in bold print or the name of the designer are presumed to be by Alfred Bestall.

My thanks to Michel Grand for contributing information to this page.


1946 - Making A Paper Bird (The Flapping Bird)


1947 - How To Make A Paper Kettle (The Kettle)


1948 - How To Make A Hobby Horse (The Cocotte / Pajarita)


1949 - How To Make Rupert's Boat (The Chinese Junk)


1950 - How To Make A Paper Plane (The Swallow)


1951 - How To Make A Paper Man (A version of The Doll)


1952 - How To Make A Paper Elephant


1953 - How To Make A Paper Snapper (The Snapdragon) and a Paper Ball (The Slit and Assemble Sphere)


1954 - How To Make A Paper Sealion and Penguin and a Paper Canoe

The Paper Canoe was designed by Sidney V. North.

The blunt ended version of the design was first published in the Boy's Own Paper 867 of August 24th 1895.


1955 - How To Make A Paper Cat's Head and a Paper Work Basket (The Wild Man of Borneo and The Sanbo On Legs)


1956 - Rupert's Spill Holder and the Spark Man


1957 - Rupert's Paper Glider - The Dove


1958 - Rupert's Paper Frog and Water-Lily (The Lotus)


1959 - Rupert's Paper Cap (The Kabuto) and Paper Bird


1960 - Rupert's Paper Donkey and Frame


1961 - Rupert's Hearth Rug

No illustration available. This may not be a paperfolding design.


1962 - A Paper Glider - The Dove


1963 - A Paper Kangaroo


1964 - Rupert's Paper Star (The Cut and Fold Pentagram) and Paper Butterfly

The Paper Butterfly is a design by Akira Yoshizawa.


1965 - Rupert's Paper Model of a Fireside Seat and Rupert's Note Case

I do not have an illustration of Rupert's Note Case. If anyone can provide this I will be extremely grateful.


1966 - Sara's Dolls-House Furniture


1967 - Rupert's Hare or Rabbit

Rupert's Hare is a design by R Shipp.


1968 - How to Make A Paper Lily (The Lily) and Rupert's Flying Fish


1969 - How Rupert Makes a Paper Pagoda (The Pagoda) and Christmas Tree (attributed to Robert Harbin)


1970 - Rupert's Lightship and Mystery Bird


1971 - A Hobgomnie and the Swimming Bird

The Swimming Bird is developed from the Pajarita.


1972 - How to Make the Imp's Lantern and A Cave Hopper


Note: The designs are not integrated into the other pages beyond this date!


1973 - Rupert's Paper Salad Plate


1974 - Rupert's Paper Yacht

Rupert's Paper Yacht is a design by Toshie Takahama.


1975 - Rupert's Chinese Boat (The Sampan)


1976 - Rupert's Three Monkeys and Humming Bird


1977 - Rupert's Sleepy Gnome


1978 - Rupert's Seagull

The instructions say that this is a flapping bird.

Rupert's Seagull is a design by John Smith.


1979 - How to Weave Rupert's Paper Party Hat or Bag and Fold-A-Bowl

The Fold-A-Bowl is a design by Philip Shen.


1980 - Rupert's Paper Tortoise


1981 - As far as I know there was no origami design in this issue.


1982 - Rupert's Horse Head

Rupert's Horse Head is a design by Martin Wall.


1983 - Rupert's Baby Rabbit

The Baby Rabbit was designed by Thea Clift.


1984 - Rupert's Singing Fly (The Cicada)


1985 - How To Make A Paper Bird (The Flapping Bird)

This is the same as the design published in 1946.


1986 - Rupert's Paper Banger (The Paper Banger) and A Box for Your Paper Banger (The Magazine Cover Box)


1987 - Rupert's Paper Crown


1988 - Rupert's Decoration and The Mouse

The Mouse is a design by Paul Jackson.
