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Last updated 21/8/2024


Papirolas - Volume 2 by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, 1939

'Papirolas - Volume 2' by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo, was published by Librerio Perlado in Bienos Aires in 1939. My grateful thanks to Juan Gimeno for letting me see the 1943 copy of this work.

A General Introduction to this series of works can be found on the page for Papirolas - Volume 1.

This work is mentioned in Gershon Legman's 'Bibliography of Paperfolding' which was published in 1952.




The work consists of:

A Prologue written by Valentin and Lina Mestroni

An address to the author written by Pablo Pizzurno

An introduction to the second volume: Papirolologia y Papiroflexia Generalidades

Part 1: Papirolas Puras

Part 2: Plegadores Creadores

Apendice: Pavo Real

Indice de Neologismos


Voces de Aliento

Indice del 2 Manual

Plan General de la Obra




The Work
