The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 7/11/2024 x |
Folded Paper Ducks, Swans and Geese | |||||||
page is being used to collect information about the
history of folded paper Ducks, Swans and Geese. Please
contact me if you know any of this information is
incorrect or if you have any other information that
should be added. Thank you. There is also a froebelian fold of life known as 'The Duck'. ********** The Wild Goose - 1896 onwards ********** The Simple Swan - 1944 onwards ********** The Simple Duck - 1944 onwards ********** 1959 A Goose is pictured, but not explained, in 'How to Make Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Toto Shuppan Co. Ltd in Japan. by McDowell Obolensky of New York in the USA and by Museum Press Ltd of London in England, in 1959. ********** 1960 Two ducks with legs, both from equilateral triangles, and both just titled 'Duck' appear in 'All About Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Toto Bunka Company, Limited in Tokyo in 1960..
*** The design on the right also appears in 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Japan Publications Trading Company in the USA in 1965. ********** The same book contains 'A Goose' with legs, also folded from an equilateral triangle. ***
A very similar design appears in 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Japan Publications Trading Company in the USA in 1965. ********** The same book contains a design for 'A Mandarine Duck' (sic): This design also apperas as 'Mandarin Duck' in 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Japan Publications Trading Company in the USA in 1965. ********** 1961 This simple design for an 'Ente' (duck) appears in 'Wir Falten' by Joachim Schönherr and Gerta Schumann, which was published by Rudolf Arnold Verlag in Leipzig in 1961. ********** 1964 A design for a 'Water Fowl', which is said to be Japanese, appears in 'Secrets of Origami', by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne Book Company in London in 1964. ********** A Cut Duck and a Cut Swan appear in 'My Origami Birds' which was published by Crown Publishers Inc, in New York in 1964. *** ********** 1965 A design for a 'Swan' appears in 'The World of Origami' by Isao Honda, which was published by Japan Publications Trading Company in the USA in 1965. ********** The same book contains a design for A 'Wild Duck' from an equilateral triangle. ********** The same book contains a design for a 'Quacking Duck' folded from a 60 / 120 degree rhombus. ********** |