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Last updated 26/6/2024


My Origami: Birds / Flowers / Animals and Fishes, 1964

This was a series of 3 books produced by Zokeisha Publications of Tokyo and published by Crown Publishers Inc, in New York in 1964. Each book also included paper to fold.

Versions of these three books were also published in other countries and languages:

In Japan by Zokeisha Publications, Tokyo in 1964 (titles not known)

In USA by Crown Publishers Inc, in New York in 1964 as 'My Origami:Birds', 'My Origami: Flowers' and 'My Origami: Animals and Fishes'.

In Germany by Otto Maier Verlag, in Ravensburg (year of publication and titles not known)

In The Netherland by Cantecleer de Bilt (year of publication and titles not known)

In France by Fernand Nathan Editeur, Paris in 1965, as 'Mes Jolis Origami: Oiseau Multicolores', 'Mes Jolis Origami:Fleurs et Bouquets' and 'Mes Jolis Origami: Animaux et Poissons'.

I have not seen a copy of these books.

'My Origami:Birds' included diagrams for Crane; Nightingale; Duck; Chicken; Wild goose; Canary; Swan; Parrot; and Owl.

'My Origami: Flowers' included diagrams for Clematis; Hydrangea; Camellia; Water Lily; Rose; Cactus Flower; Iris; Gladiolus; Lily; Wild Pink; and Calla Lily

'My Origami: Animals and Fishes' included diagrams for a Pig; Mouse; Rabbit; Frog; Turtle; Whale; Fish; Goldfish; and Tropical Fish.
