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Last updated 20/8/2024


Fun with Paper Folding by William D Murray and Francis J Rigney
'Fun with Paperfolding' by William D Murray and Francis J Rigney was published by the Fleming H Revell Company, New York in 1928.

This work is mentioned in Gershon Legman's 'Bibliography of Paperfolding' which was published in 1952.

The Foreword is written by William D Murray and he uses the first person singular throughout, which suggests that he was responsible for the content of the book and Francis J Rigney provided the illustrations. According to David Lister, they were both magicians.

(At this time a Francis J Rigney was an assistant editor of Boy's Life, a publication of the Boy Scouts of America (there is a credit for him providing illustrations for an article on page 20 of the May 1927 issue) but whether this is the same Francis J Rigney or not I do not know.)

In his Foreword, William Murray twice mentions being in China. It is possible that some of these new designs, such as the Pagoda, may have been learned on his travels. Other designs, such as the four Dishes, the Baby Starling, the Sunfish, the Lampshade, the Aviator's Helmet and even possibly the Goose's Head, may be his own original work. Unfortunately he does not give an origin for any of these designs so that we will never know for certain.

A full copy of the work can be found online here.



The Salt Cellar

The author notes that, upside down, 'it is a pig's foot, or, as some prefer to call it, a nose pincher.'


The Cake Basket


The Shirt Waist (The Jacket)


The Trousers


The Dog

A multipiece design made by combining three Jacket / Trouser units.


The Motor-Boat

A version of The Steamship in which the bow and stern are pulled out sideways.


The Battleship

A version of the Crown to which extra pieces have been added.


In the following section the designs are all made from the a windmill base folded from a blintzed square (the blintzed windmill base) which allows the sequence to culminate in the development of the Chinese Junk. Pictures of the Vase, the Junk Box and the Looking Glass are included in the sequence as internediate steps but not named as designs in their own right.

The Table


The Windmill


The Double Rowboat (The Double Boat)


The Vase (pictured but not named)


The Sailboat (The Boat with Sail)


The Rooster (The Pajarita)


The Pocket Book (The Portfolio)


The Cap (The Postman's Hat)

A version of the Junk Box with one flap tucked in and one left out to form a brim.


The Junk Box (pictured but not named)


The Looking Glass (pictured but not named)


The Chinese Junk


The Work Table (The Sanbo on Legs)


The House (The Catherine of Cleves Box)


The Ball (The Waterbomb)


The Sugar Bowl (The Kettle)


The Bird (The Flapping Bird)

Made by the Preliminary Base method and with a crimped head.


The Frog (The Blow-up Frog)


The Pagoda

Made from five squares each a half inch smaller than the one before.


The Airplane (The Swallow)

Made using a tiny cut to make ailerons at the end of the tail.


The Drinking Cup (The Cup)

The Cup is made with only one flap folded down. The author suggests making from large paper and folding the other flap inside to turn the cup into a hat.


The Boat (The Paper Boat)


The Dart (The Paper Dart)

A two piece paper plane made from a doubly thinned Paper Dart and a Mitre to act as a weight on the nose.


The Secret Envelope (The Menko)


The Sunfish

A multiple piece cut and fold active play paperfold.


The Trumpet (The Noise Maker)

A fold, cut and fold design made from a rolled up square.


The Tree (The Newspaper Tree)


The Ladder (The Newspaper Ladder and its trellis variation)


The Mystery Loops (The Afghan Bands)


The Big Hole in the Small Piece of Paper (How to Climb Through a Playing Card)


The Picnic Table Mat (The Paper Doily)


The Five-Pointed Star (The Fold and One Cut Pentagram)


The Baby Starling

Bird made from the Five Pointed Star.


The Aviator's Helmet

Design developed from the Newspaper Hat.


The Cradle


Another Double Boat


The Lampshade


Dish no 1


Dish no 2


Dish no 3


Dish no 4


The Japanese Lantern

A blow-up design developed from the Waterbomb base.


How Charlie Bought His Boat - a story designed around the evolution of the Multiform designs.


The Goose's Head (The Snapper)

Pecking active play paperfold developed from the Paper Boat.
