The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 25/7/2024


Mosaicon by William Bemrose, 1875

'Mosaicon' by William Bemrose was published by Bemrose and Sons in London and Derby. The book is undated but said to date from 1875. Mosaicon is the author's term for paper filigree or quilling.

As well as instructions for making Mosaicon patterns this book contains a catalogue of items for sale including 'Foundations', which are intended to be decorated by the Mosaicon technique.

A full copy of the work can be accessed online here.

A second edition was published in 1882 but appears to be largely identical to the first. See here.

Bemrose and Sons also sold kits containing suitable paper strips. The one pictured below is held in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Full details of this item can be found here.



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