The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 7/4/2024 x |
Manuel des Jeunes Gens, 1831 | |||||||
'Manuel des Jeunes Gens', was published in Paris, in two volumes, by Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret in Paris in 1931. It is a translation into French by Paul Vergnaud of 'The Boy's Own Book' by William Clarke. This translation appears to be based on the 1829 second edition rather than the original 1828 work. A full copy of Volume 1 can be accessed online here. A copy of Volume 2 can be accessed online here. This copy is unfortunately missing some illustrations and some pages are also either missing or unreadable.
********** Analysis of Volume 1 Volume 1 is, perhaps, unique in its attempt to explain the game of cricket to the French. It also contains: Kite Bows ********** Autre Anamorphose - Multiple-Image Pleated Paper Pictures
********** Analysis of Volume 2 Pyramide Marchant - Designs which Move under Insect Power ********** Papier Servant du Forneau - The Paper Furnace ********** Le Jeton Change - The Buddha Papers ********** Le Trouble-Esprit - Troublewit Like the original, this translation mentions the young blind man (jeune homme aveugle) who used to perform Troublewit in the London streets, but omits his picture. ********** Le Tour des Cerises - The Cherries Puzzle ********** The Card Puzzle Unfortunately p215, which contains the first half of this item, is missing from the source. ********** |