The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 19/11/2024 x |
Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein by Johanna Huber, 1931 | |||||||
revised and expanded 3rd edition of 'Lustiges
Papierfaltbüchlein' by Johanna Huber was published by
Otto Maier in Ravensburg, Germany in 1931. This page
records the differences between this edition and the original 1927 first
edition. This 1931 edition has been completely rearranged and reformatted. It contains all the designs and dioramas found in the 1927 1st edition but also has much additional material. This 1931 edition is organised into 5 chapters: 'Frobelsches Papierfalten', 'Streifenfalten'; 'Facherfalten', 'Buntes Allerlei' and 'Gruppenbilder aus Faltformen'. The original dioramas, which were the main element of the 1927 work, now appear, together with three new ones, in 'Gruppenbilder aus Faltformen'. The Foreword is very similar to that of the 1927 edition. A full copy of the work, without the photographs, appears at the foot of this page. The photographs are reproduced in the Analysis section. **********
********** Analysis This analysis only shows the designs which are new to this edition ********** Frobelsches Papierfalten This chapter contains all the Froebelian designs from the 1927 edition plus: Various Simple Froebelian Folds of Life 3 and 4. Book / Tent / Tunnel 6. Pocket Note that 5. Handkerchief and 8. The Simple House were included in the 1927 edition. *** 19. House 20 and 21. Envelope 24. Little House ********** 10. Ein Tisch - The Table ********** 14. Schiff mit Schornstein - The Boat with Sail ********** Krone - The King's Crown ********** Bettflat - The Bed ********** Himmel and Holle / Salzfalz - The Saltcellar
********** Lehnstuhl - The Low Chair ********** Tisch - The Footstall ********** Geldbeutel - The Portfolio ********** Kasten - The Junk Box ********** Spiegel - The Looking Glass ********** Gondel - The Chinese Junk ********** Fliegender Vogel - The Flapping Bird There is no evidence that the author was aware that the wings could be made to flap. ********** Fliegender Storch - The Paper Crane ********** Sonnenschirmchen (Parasol) - The Umbrella ********** Frosch - The Inflatable Frog The author is aware that the frog can be made to jump but does not mention that it can be inflated. ********** This chapter also includes a project to combine Windmills into this decoration. ********** Streifenfalten (Strip Folds) The designs in this chapter did not appear in the 1927 edition. Herrenstiege (Men's Stairs) - The Witch's Ladder The rings are made by stiffening the woven strips with wire. These strips are also used as the basis of models of: ********** Eidesche - Lizard ********** Igel - Hedgehog The spikes are toothpicks. ********** Katze - Cat ********** Facherfalten (Fan Folds) Inter alia the text says, roughly, 'beautiful decorative objects can be made with the 'harmonica folds', e.g. pot covers and shades for small floor lamps' but does not give any further detail of these. The pleated designs that are explained are: The Single Collapsible Pleated Fan (Note that this design appeared in the 1927 edition, and, indeed reappears in this edition, as a pleated top for a palm tree.) ********** The Double Collapsible Pleated Fan This is just two Single Fans glued together. ********** The Balloon The text suggests using these as lanterns for a Chritmas Tree. A candlestick can be obtained by turning the design inside out. ********** The work also contains a photograph showing birds and a butterfly made using pleated elements to represent wings, although I can find no mentio of these or the photograph in the text. ********** Buntes Allerlei (All Sorts of Colourful Things) Not named - The Catherine of Cleves Box Of this design the text says, roughly, 'Our grandparents made them, each one smaller than the other, until there was a complete box, in the smallest part of which a surprise was usually hidden.
********** Inward Folded Box
********** Not named - The Magazine Cover Box ********** Baskets / Doll's Bed / Doll's Carriage / Car / Truck / Train The text says, roughly, 'Make a doll's bed as shown in fig 109 from a horizontal and an upright box. Make it into a doll's carriage by attaching wheels and a handle. Make a car from a longer and a shorter box by placing them on top of each other. Make a truck in a similar way. How would you make a train?' Despite the reference to fig 109 there are no illustrations of any of these designs as. Fig 109 only shows two baskets (see below). The text explains how to make baskets by simply glueing a handle onto any of the open box designs. ********** This photograph shows a basket made from The Junk Box, as well as The Flounder and The Double Boat ********** Brieftashe - The Wallet ********** Taschen fur Briefmarken (Bags for Stamps) - The Puzzle Purse ********** Trinkbecher - Drinking Cup ********** Barret (Beret) This design is derived from the Paper Snapper by folding in each end before the bottom is folded upwards. ********** Mandarinen Kappe (Mandarin Cap) This design is derived from the Barret by folding the top corners inwards. ********** Kinderwagen (Pram) This design is derived from the Mandarin Hat by folding one end upwards, then adding wheels and a handle. ********* Pierrot-Hut (Pierrot Hat) The text says, roughly, 'In the same way, a Pierrot hat can be made for the doll ... by folding the outer corners over.' ********** Klatsche - The Banger Both single-barrelled and double-barrelled versions are given. ********** Gruppenbilder aus Faltformen (Dioramas made from Folding Forms) This section of the work includes all the dioramas from the 1927 edition (ie no 2. Altes Stadchen (previously named just Die Stadt), no 3. Das Hexenhausl, no 4a. Der Entenstall, no 6. Marktstand ( previously named Kleider machen Leute), no 8. Die Schule, no 9. Die Bauernwirtschaft and no 10. Die Oase) but also several new ones ie: ********** 1. Schweinhert (Pig Herder) This diorama is made by combining Pigs, Newspaper Hats and various other simple folded elements (see diagrams below). ********** 4b. Das Froschkonzert (The Frog Concert) There are no new designs in this diorama. Note that the frogs in this image appear to be partially inflated, although this seems to have been done by pulling the folds outwards rather than by blowing into the opening between the legs. ********** 5. Neue Stadt (New Town) ********** 7. Puppenstube (Doll's House) Most of the furniture is made by varying the bench from Die Schule. The table is folded from an equilateral triangle developed from a square. ********** The bodies of the mother and father are developed from the Trousers. Other simple folded elements are glued on to create the detail of the figures. ********** The Work
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