The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 8/4/2024


List of books / booklets / articles of which a full copy has not yet been located

Please let me know if you have access to a copy of any of these sources and can share the information they contain with me. Thanks.


Books / Booklets

1704 - Tanzen Hiinagata by Imura Katsuyoshi

1861 - Kindergarten and Elementarklasse by August Kohler.

1871 - Nordisk Husflidstidende

1873 - Der Kindergarten: Theoretisch-Praktisches Handbuch by A S Fischer

1874 - Spiel und Arbeit by Hugo Elm - the page is created from the 1885 edition.

1885 - Instruction pour l'Enseignement Manuel dans les Ecoles Primaires by G Salicis.

1887 - Le Travail Manuel a L'ecole Primaire by M. Coste et J. Lapassade.

1887 - The Use of Models: A Teacher's Assistant in the use of the Prang Models for Form Study and Drawing in Primary Schools

1888-1891 - L'Enseignement Manuel et Expérimental by Rene Leblanc (I am not sure if this is a series of articles, or a book, or both)

1892 - How to Cut and Fold Paper by Gabriel Bamberger - mentioned in Legman bibliography.

1893 - De eerste leerjaren voor het onderwijs in handenarbeid by J Stam and A van Wamel

1893 - Paper Folding for Schools by Lucy R Latter

1894 - Paper Folding: Forms of Life, Beauty, and Knowledge by Dr Albert Elias Malty

1895 - The Dutch version (exact title unknown) of Course in Paperfolding by Eleenore Heerwart (if it exists)

1895 - Bamberger's Manual of Paper Folding, Clay Modelling and Cardboard Work by Gabriel Bamberger - mentioned in Legman bibliography

1896 - Course in Paperfolding by Eleenore Heerwart - complete original work not seen only selected pages

1897 - Pliage et Decoupage du Papier by C Savineau.

1897 - Fröbel’s Theory and Practice by Eleonore Heerwart

1899 - How to Teach Paper-folding by Lucy R Latter

1902 - How to Fold and Cut Paper by Amos M Kellogg - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1904 - Handbuchlein der Papierfaltekunst by Joseph Sperl, 1904

1902 - Illustrated Lessons: Paper Folding by W E Sheldon - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1903 - Paper Folding by William Hammel - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1909 - Handicraft Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods by Hideyoshi Okayama.

1910 - Allerlei Papierarbeiten by Gierke Hildergard and Alice Dorpalen-Kuczinski - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

c1910 - 'Scientific Paper Folding' by Prof David Smith of Teacher's College, New York City

c1910 - Series of books on paperfolding by Kate F Hobart

c1910 - Books on paperfolding by Mr K Kinonchi of the Kyoto Normal School.

1912 - The Boy's Own Book of Indoor Games by Morley Adams - mentioned in Legman bibliography

1913 - Trabajos Manuales by Joaquín Fenollosa Martínez y Galo Recuero García

c1919 - Enseñanza práctica de la geometría en la escuela primaria: Metodología by Vera Penaloza - mentioned in Legman's bibliography but dated 1938

c1920 - Shikaka Origami Dzukai

c1920 - Juguetes de Papel - mentioned in Legman's bibliography but no date given

1922 - Lustiges und Merkwurdiges von Zahlen und Formen by Walther Lietzmann - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1924 - Procedes originaux de constructions geometriques by E Fourrey - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1925 - El Trabajo Manual by Atilio Boveri

1925 - Zhe Zhi Shou Gong Tu Shuo by Shanqing Ling

1926 - Papiergestaltung by Paul Engelhardt and Adolf Lillack

1926 - Basketry and Paper Folding by Virginia McGaw

1926 - Modern Puzzles by Henry Ernest Dudeney

1927 - Das Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein by Johanna Huber

1931 - Things Any Boy Can Make by Joseph Leeming - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1931 - Origami Kyo Hon by Mizuhiro Shiki (Michio Uchiyama)

1931 - Origami to mizuhiki no kakekata zukai by Chiyoko Ogasawara

1931 - Practical Handwork for the Infant School: Vol 1 - Paper Occupations by Catherine C Ritchie and Mary D Winter - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1931 - Puzzles and Curious Problems by Henry Ernest Dudeney

1932 - Origami Part 2 by Isao Honda

1932 - Origami Kirigami To Shuko by Misaki Izumo - mentioned in Legman bibliography but as 1940.

1932 - or possibly earlier - Trabajo Manual by Carmen Champy Alvear - mentioned in Legman bibliography

1932 - Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (upper) by Taneji Nakajima

1932 - Shin origami-zaiku sanko-sho (lower) by Taneji Nakajima

1932 - Figuras de Papel (3 booklets)

1933 - Origami-Kyohon by Michio Uchiyama

1935 - Nichijo saho origami to mizuhiki by Kotaka Otsuma

1935 - Shin'an Origami Orikata Zukai (New Origami Folding Diagrams) by Michio Uchiyama

1935 - Atarashii Origamizaiku by Taneshi Nakajima

1935 - Shogakko shuko kyoju seian by Abe Shimekichi - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1936 - Origami saiku: shuko kyozai by Taneji Nakajima - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1937 - Japanese Classical Art Origami: It's Methods and Samples by Tengai Kikuchi - mentioned in Legman bibliography

1937 - Paper Twisting and Crumpling for Infants and Younger Juniors by Gwen M Paviere - mentioned in Legman bibliography

1938 - Spielzeug - Eine bunte Fibel by Hans-Friedrich Geist and Alfred Mahlau - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1938 - Origami zaiku by Taneji Nakajima

1939 - Trabajo Manual Educativo by Araminta V Aramburu - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1939 - Plegado by Rufino Yapur - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1939 - Trabajo Manual by Hernan Pallardo - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1939/40 - Sosaku Origami Jitsubutsu-shu by Taneji Nakajima

1940 - Das Lustiges Papierfaltbüchlein by Johanna Huber, abridged and revised edition.

1940 - A Handwork Book for Children by Elsa Beskow and Anna Warburh - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1941 - Papiro-Zoo: Manual Practico de Cocotologia by Giordano Lareo

1941 - Paper Magic by U F Grant

1941 - Origami ni yoru ren-sei by Yasuke Nishidate - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1942 - Out of a Handkerchief by Frances E Jacobs - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1943 - Fun with Your Child by Mary Mapes - - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1943 - Shuko kyozai, origami saiku by Taneji Nakajima

1944 - Origami Shuko by Isao Honda

1945 - Papirolas - Tratado de Papiroflexia Superior by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo

1945 - Papiroflexia Elemental by Vicente Solorzano Sagredo

1947 - Yasahiku dekiru origami to kirinuki tehon by Misaki Izumo - mentioned in Legman's bibliography - there is a copy of this book in the British Library

1948 - Ce qu'on peut faire avec du papier plie by Marie-Jacqueline Michel-Dubreton

1948 - Paper-folding: A Popular Pastime by Japan Travel Bureau - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1950 - Occupons Nos Doigts by Raymond Richard - full book not seen - only selected pages.

1951 - Pasteless Construction with Paper by Maria Gilbert Martin

1952 - Origami no Tsukurikata by Taneji Nakajima

1954 - Atari Origami Geijuitsu by Akira Yoshizawa

1955 - Tanoshi Origami by Jiro Ueda

1955 - Het Grote Vouwboek by Aart van Breda

1955 - Faltet Mit by Gerta Schumann - full book not seen - only selected pages.

1956 - Un zoo en papier plie by Marie-Jacqueline Michel-Dubreton

1956 - Yoku Wakaru Origami (Easy to Understand Origami) by Kosho Uchiyama

1956 - 'The Best in Magic' by Bruce Elliott, published by Harper and Row (which contains designs by Gershon Legman)

1957 - Origami Dokuhon by Akira Yoshizawa (I have seen the second edition but not the first)

1957 - Origami: Japanese Paperfolding by Isao Honda

1957 - Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Penguin Book by Isao Honda

1958 - Origami Zukan by Okimasa Uchiyama

1958 - Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Monkey Book by Isao Honda

1959 - Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Fuji Book by Isao Honda

1959 - Origami: Japanese Paperfolding - Sakura Book by Isao Honda

1959 - Asahi Origami Club: Pocket Guide to origami: Bunny Book by Isao Honda

1960 - Origami: The Oriental Art of Paper Folding by Harry C Helfman (Hardback version)

1960 - Du papier plié au cartonnage

1960 - All About Origami by Isao Honda, 1960

1960 - Origami and Origami 2 by Tokinobu and Hideko Mihara

1960 - Origami Storybook by Florence Sakade

1960 - Happy Origami (Butterfly / Swallow / Tortoise / Whale books) by Tatsuo Miyawaki

1961 - Origami Zoo: Animal Book by Isao Honda

1961 - Origami Zoo: Bird Book by Isao Honda

1962 - Origami by Kosho Uchiyama

1962 - Kiri Gami by Florence Temko

1962 - Living Origami Books 1and 2 by Isao Honda

1962 - Pop-Up Origami ((Johnny / Kitty books) by Tatsuo Miyawaki

1963 - Sosaku Origami by Michio Uchiyama

1963 - Tanoshii Origami (Joyful Origami) and Origami Ehon (Origami Picture Book) by Akira Yoshizawa

1963 - Het Grote Vouwboek, 2nd Edition, by Aart van Breda

1963 - Fell's Guide to Papercraft by Walter B Gibson

1963 - Tricks with Paper by Masaki Yamaguchi

1964 - Origami Shu by Toyoaki Kawai

1964 - Origami Ehon (Origami Picture Book) by Kosho Uchiyama

1964 - Bunte Origami Tierwelt: Japinisches Papierfalten by Irmgard Kneissler

1965 - Haha to ko no origami no hon by Kunihiko Kasahara

1965 - Origami: Various titles - Series of booklets issued by Methuen, 1965 - Birds / Flowers / Animals and Fishes

1965 - Origami Fun Book by Tatsuo Miyawaki

1966 - Origami o Tanoshimu Hon by Kunihiko Kasahara

1966 - Schucken und Schenken mit Origami by Irmgard Kneissler

1966 - The Executive Manual on the Construction of Paper Projectiles by Rik Olson

1967 - Origami Folding Fun: Kangaroo Book by Isao Honda

1967 - Origami Folding Fun: Pony Book by Isao Honda

1967 - Origami Holiday and Origami Festival by Isao Honda

1967 - Origami Asobi by Koshio Uchiyama

1967 - Jolly Origami (Birdie / Bossy / Rooster books) by Tatsuo Miyawaki

1968 - Origami Polyhedra by Bennett Arnstein

1968 - Paperfolding to Begin With by Florence Temko

1968 - Folding Money, Volume Two by Samuel Randlett

1969 - Nihon no Kokoro Dento Origami (Heart of Japan, Traditional Origami) by Isao Honda, 1969

1967-1969 Issues 1 to 5 of the Journal of the Sosaku Origami Group '67

1970 - Origami Compendium No 1 by Robert Harbin



1941 - Article about Solorzano by M Garcia Hernandez in Diario de la Marina, Havana, March 1941 - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1942 - Articles with diagrams for Solorzano designs in Diario Español, Buenos Aires

1947 - Article about Solorzano by Villacian Burgos in Buenos Aires Sinfonia, Dec 1947 - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1950 - Article about Solorzano by E Algani in El Hogar, Buenos Aires, Sept 1950 - mentioned in Legman's bibliography

1952 - Articles on the work of Yoshizawa in Fujin Koron (Ladies’ Opinion) magazine April to December, 1952

1954 - Articles on the work of Yoshizawa in Shufu no Tomo (Young Ladies’ Friend) magazine, 1954

1955 - Article in Utrechts Nieuwsblad dated 12th November

1956 - Article in Munda Argentina, 18th July 1956

1957 - 'She brings Origami into the fold', Article about Frieda Lourie in New York Mirror, February 5th 1959.

1958 - Three Articles in Hokubei Shimpo in May and June 1958

1959 - Article in New York Mirror. February 5th 1959 by Sidney Field

1959 - Articles on the work of Yoshizawa in Fujin Koron (Ladies’ Opinion) magazine January to September, 1959

1968 - Article in World Topic Yearbook pp 78-79 (from Sakoda - Modern Origami)



1964 - Adverts for American Airlines featuring origami designs by Fred Rohm etc.