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Theoretisches und praktisches Handbuch der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehre by Bertha von Marentholtz-Bülow, 1886/7
'Theoretisches und praktisches Handbuch der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehre' by Bertha von Marentholtz-Bülow was published in two parts by George H Wigand in Kassel. Part 1, 'Die Theorie der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehre', was published in 1886 and part 2, 'Die Praxis der Fröbelschen Erziehungslehrein', was published in 1887.

A full copy of part 1, 'Die Theorie' can be accessed online here.

A full copy of part 2, 'Die Praxis' can be accessed online here.

The full text of the chapter on 'Der Falten' is given at the foot of this page.

These books are in German and set in Fractur. I do not speak German and Google Lens does not transcribe or translate Fractur well. Consequently, it is probable that there will be errors and omissions on this page. If anyone can supply corrections or further information to me I will be most grateful.


Part 1 'Die Theorie'

There are no illustrations in this volume. Although mention is made of the occupation of paperfolding on several occasions, all these mentions are very general and give no specific information about individual designs.


Part 2 'Die Praxis'

This volume is heavily illustrated, with many plates, some in colour, at the end of the book. There are chapters on 'Das Falten' (paperfolding), 'Das Flechten' (weaving), 'Das Verichnuren' (interlinking) and 'Das Auschneiden' (cutting out), all of which contain an element of paperfolding.



Das Falten (attributed to Elise Weiss)

Plate 1 shows some basic Erkenntnisformen (Forms of Knowledge) culminating in the doubly blintzed basic form (picture13).


Table 2 pictures 14, 15 and 16 to 21 show Schonheitsformen (Forms of Beauty) developed from one side of the Double Blintz Basic Form.

Picture 15a and 22 to 33 show Lebensformen (Forms of Life).

15a Korbchen / The Basket


22 Krone / The King's Crown


23 Bettchen (cot) / The Bed


24 Salz und Pfeffertaschen (Salt and pepperbags) / The Pepperpot


25 Reisetasche / The Travel Bag


27. Riechfläschchen (smelling bottle) / The Scent Bottle


28. Tintenfass / The Inkwell


29. Muff / variation of The Muff


30. Stiefelchen (booties) / The Pair of Boots


31. Knabenjade (boy's jacket) / The Jacket


32. Knabenhose (boy's pants) / The Trousers


33. Hemd



Pictures 34, 42, 43 and 47 to 49 of Plate 3 also show Forms of Life:

34. Unnamed / The Table (upside down)


42. Tisch (table) / The Tablecloth


43. Muhle (mill) / The Windmill


47. Cigarettentasche / The Cigar Case


48. Doppelkahn / The Double Boat


49. Gegelboot / The Boat with Sail


Pictures 44 to 45 and 35 to 41 of Plate 3 show further Forms of Beauty. 44 to 45 are developed from the Windmill base. Picture 35 show the windmill base and 36 to 41 designs developed from it.










Das Flechten (attributed to Clara Goerlh)



Das Verichnuren (attributed to Maria Krause)



Das Auschneiden (attributed to Elise Weiss)

The Fold and One Cut Hexagon


The Fold and One Cut Octagon










Source Pages
