The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 5/12/2023


Faltarbeiten aus Papier 2 by Georg Netzband, 1936

'Faltarbeiten aus Papier 2' (Paperfolding Work) by Georg Netzband was published by W Kohlhammer Verlag in Stuttgart and Berlin in 1936 as a handbook to accompany educational film F58 (which is credited to Dr H Curlis of the Kulturfilm-Institut). Both were produced by the Reich Ministry of Education. The author is described as a 'Zeichenlehrer' - a drawing teacher. I am grateful to Birgit Ebbert for letting me see a copy of this work.

The introduction quotes from 'Jugenderinnerungen eines altes Mannes' (Youth Memoirs of an Old Man) by Wilhelm von Kügelgen, and reproduces a passage about the Horse and Rider designs.

The information about groundforms is the same as in 'Faltarbeiten aus Papier 1'.

The handbook also contains a brief bibliography.

Film 58 contains designs which are not explained in the accompanying handbook. It shows a pair of hands folding the Pig, then the Windmill (which is shown rotating pinned to a stick), which is then turned into the Vase, which is converted to the Boat with Sail, then the Cocotte / Pajarita, which is then changed into the Duck. The Cocotte / Pajarita is then transformed into the Rider and then the Horse. Finally the Horse and Rider are fitted together.



Der Vogel - The Cocotte / Pajarita


Ente - The Duck

The folding method is described but not illustrated in the handbook.


Pferd (Horse) - Horses and Riders


Reiter (Rider) - Horses and Riders

The text notes that footsoldiers can also be made in this way.


Schwein - The Pig


The Work
