The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 20/8/2024 x |
Faltarbeiten aus Papier 2 by Georg Netzband, 1936 | |||||||
'Faltarbeiten aus Papier 2' (Paperfolding Work) by Georg Netzband was published by W Kohlhammer Verlag in Stuttgart and Berlin in 1936 as a handbook to accompany educational film F58 (which is credited to Dr H Curlis of the Kulturfilm-Institut). Both were produced by the Reich Ministry of Education. The author is described as a 'Zeichenlehrer' - a drawing teacher. I am grateful to Birgit Ebbert for letting me see a copy of this work. This work is mentioned in Gershon Legman's 'Bibliography of Paperfolding' which was published in 1952. The introduction quotes from 'Jugenderinnerungen eines altes Mannes' (Youth Memoirs of an Old Man) by Wilhelm von Kügelgen, and reproduces a passage about the Horse and Rider designs. The information about groundforms is the same as in 'Faltarbeiten aus Papier 1'. The handbook also contains a brief bibliography. Film 58 contains designs which are not explained in the accompanying handbook. It shows a pair of hands folding the Pig, then the Windmill (which is shown rotating pinned to a stick), which is then turned into the Vase, which is converted to the Boat with Sail, then the Cocotte / Pajarita, which is then changed into the Duck. The Cocotte / Pajarita is then transformed into the Rider and then the Horse. Finally the Horse and Rider are fitted together. ********** Analysis Der Vogel - The Cocotte / Pajarita ********** Ente - The Duck The folding method is described but not illustrated in the handbook. ********** Pferd (Horse) - Horses and Riders ********** Reiter (Rider) - Horses and Riders The text notes that footsoldiers can also be made in this way.
********** Schwein - The Pig ********** The Work ********** |