The Public Paperfolding History Project
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Friedrich Froebel's Education by Development: The Second Part of the Pedagogics of the Kindergarten by Josephine Jarvis, 1899 | |||||||
'Friedrich Froebel's Education by Development: The Second Part of the Pedagogics of the Kindergarten' translated by Josephine Jarvis was published by D Appleton and Company in New York in 1899. It is a translation of Volume 2 of 'Gesammelte pädagogische Schriften' (Collected Educational Writings), an anthology of Froebel's writings edited by Wichard Lange and published by Enslin in Berlin in 1874. On pages 89 - 117 the book contains a section titled titled 'Employment of Children - Guide to Paper Folding - A Fragment' in which Froebel first describes how to create a square from any irregular sheet of paper then how to fold and cut four squares from a single rectangular sheet of machine made paper. He then describes a number of simple folds that can be made in the square and the mathematical properties that they demonstrate. This section can be found online here. ********** |