The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 9/1/2024


16th Century Dutch Patriotic Pamphlets
There are several interesting folding (and unfolding) pamphlets dating from between 1780 and 1787, the years of the Pattriottentijd rebellion, held in the Collectie Nederland and the Dutch Nationaal Archief, which were produced as propaganda for the Patriotic cause. Unfortunately many of the available pictures only show one possible configuration of the folds.

Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

There seem to have been two separate types of design:


Zig-Zag Folded Pamphlets

In these designs the paper has been folded in zig-zag fashion to produce one image and the folds could then be flipped over to produce another. The first design below can be dated to 1784: (Information from Juam Gimeno)


This design is from 1787:

The dog is a 'Keeshund', a symbol of the Patriotic movement and probably a reference to Van Cornelius (aka Kees) de Gijselaar, who was one of the leaders of the movement.


Another similar design, also from 1787.


This rather different pamphlet, also from 1787, is said to show a raven that turns into the figure shown below. I do not know the significance of the figure or of this transformation.


This one is from 1784.


Book-folded Pamphlets

In these designs the paper has been folded to leave 'doors' at the front. There were probably other images inside the pamphlets which were revealed when the 'doors' were opened. Unfortunately, images of the inside are not available at present. Both the pamphlets shown below also date from 1787.

