The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 8/8/2024


De Kleine Natuurkundige by Pieter Beets, 1869

'De Kleine Natuurkundige by Pieter Beets was published by D Noorthoven Van Goor in Leiden. The work is undated but said to be from 1869. It contains various miscellaneous paperfolding designs and effects and a section on Cardboard Modelling.

A full copy of the work can be accessed online here.




The Spiral Snake


The Wind Wheel


The Cut and Fold Windmill


The Cherries Puzzle


How to Climb Through a Playing Card


The Fold and One Cut Latin Cross

Roughly translated this passage reads 'Take a piece of paper the width of your hand and the length of your fingers. You now say to he company: Who among you doesn't know the story of the death of the unfortunate freelord von Munchausen? At the last Breakfast his Grace was to partake of, he was given a fresh loaf of bread and a sharp knife. The freelord, accustomed to using a blunt knife, drafs the knife through the bread but also cuts himself in half as well as the thousand year old oak tree at whose foot he freelord sat. Bread, free lord and oak fell with one stroke of the infamous knife. The stone on which the knife was sharpened was lapis lazuli or the Philosopher's Stone. The blades of these scissors are also sharpened on this stone. I therefore advise the greatest caution to all who use these scissors. I also ask everyone: Who can make a large cross, a small cross, two hooks, two benches, and two squares, from this pieces of paper, with these scissors, with just a single cut? ...'


Peperhuisje - The Hexagonal Packet


Pijl - The Paper Dart


Steek - The Newspaper Hat


Schip - The Paper Boat


Blasbag - The Bellows


Met Papierstrooken - Verschnuren


Paper Flowers


Selected Plates




