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Last updated 28/8/2024


Article featuring various designs in Caras y Caretas, March 1905

This article was published in Issue 238 of the Buenos Aires edition of 'Caras y Caretas' on 25th March 1905.


First Page

The text refers to The Flapping Bird as 'la pajarita' but distinguishes it from the better known Cocotte / Pajarita design which it calls the 'gallito de papel'.

'El sapo' is The Inflatable Frog, the 'abanica' is a Circular Pleated Fan and the 'escalera' is The Newspaper Ladder.


Second Page

The top left photo shows 'veleta' - The Cut and Fold Windmill - and 'paracaidas' - a simple version of The Paper Parachute. The object suspended from the parachute may be a Paper Dart.

The top right photo of the second page (see enlargement below) shows The Catherine of Cleves Box (caja cerrada /closed box) and The Paper Boat (botecitos). The other two designs are presumably the 'caja abierta' (open box). The box to the right looks very like The Magazine Cover Box. I cannot identitfy the design in the centre although it looks somewhat like a squashed, square version of the design to the right. None of these designs are mentioned in the text.

The bottom photo shows a copa, pipa, taza and cuchara - chalice, pipe, cup and spoon.

