The Public Paperfolding History Project

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Last updated 27/11/2024


Origami Compendium No 1 by Robert Harbin, 1970
'Origami Compendium No 1' was sold as a folder containing a pack of Maxwell's origami paper and a booklet of folding instructions, which were written and illustrated by Robert Harbin. The work is undated but each of the pages of diagrams is marked with a copyright date of 1970 so that it cannot be before that date. The work was advertised on the back cover of the second edition of Harbin's 'Paper Magic' which was published in 1971 and so must have been published before or at the same time as that book. It seems fair to me to assign it to 1970 pending further, possibly more dertailed, information. My thanks to Michel Grand for drawing this to my attention.

My grateful thanks to Nick Robinson for letting me see a copy of this work.






Unnattributed (or Misattributed) Designs

Baby's Cot - The Cradle


Coloured Salt Cellar / Colour Changer - The Salt Cellar

Colour-change versions of these traditional designs


Church (cut version) - The Japanese Church

The cross is obtained by cutting it out of the back layer.


Pagoda - The Pagoda

Misattributed to Maying Soong, China


Bow Tie

From a 2x1 rectangle. Said to be from the USA.

Not attributed to Gershon Legman.


Magic Purse - The Magic Purse


Lily - The Lily

Said to be traditional Japanese


Coaster - Square Decorations


Party Hat

A colour-change version of The Pyramidal Hat folded from a square.


Frog - The Inflatable Frog

Said to be traditional Japanese


Designs by Robert Harbin








(This 'Bookmark' looks suspiciously like a dagger to me.)


Mr and Mrs Noah


Sound of Music

Three versions of a Nun or Novice figure



From a 2x1 rectangle




Budda Display Stand


Designs by other named paperfolders

Flower with Leaf - attributed to Alice Gray


The Work
