The Public Paperfolding History Project
Last updated 8/2/2025 x |
The Paperfolding of Neal Elias | |||||||
This page is being used to collect information about the paperfolding of Neal Elias (1921 to 2005) but is not intended to be a complete or formal history. ********** Introduction Neal Charles Elias was born on March 6th 1921 in Cleveland, Ohio, and died on September 21st 2005 (aged 84). For most of his life he worked for the North Western Railroad as an office clerk and supervisor in their payroll department. (Information from Magicpedia, which also gives details of his contributions to card magic.) ********** Chronology 1951 Neal took up paperfolding in 1951 after coming across a copy of 'Houdini's Paper Magic'.(Information from Magicpedia). But see also entry for 1962 below. ********** 1958 Volume 1, Issue 5 of The Origamian for March 1959 contained diagrams for Elias's 'Sea Horse' design. ********** 1961 'The Art of Origami' by Samuel Randlett, which was published by E P Dutton in New York in 1961, contained a 'Rabbit Variation' attributed to Neal Elias. ********** 1962 Volume 2 Issue 3 of 'The Origamian' for Spring / Summer 1962 contained a letter from Fred Rohm saying of Neal Elias 'He apparently dislikes any cutting so his folds are rather complex ...' The same issue also mentions Neal Elias' latest fold 'a Tiger with no cutting to make the ears. This is made by one by one and a half rectangle.' ********** Vol 3: Issue 1 of 'The Origamian' for Winter 1962/3 contains a profile of Neal Elias written by Peter Van Note, which includes information on how Elias began to create paperfolds. *** The same issue also includes diagrams for his Kangaroo and Indian Bust designs:
********** 1963 'The Best of Origami' by Samuel Randlett, which was published by E P Dutton in New York in 1963 and by Faber and Faber Ltd in London in 1964, contained the following biographical details: And diagrams for a number of Elias's original designs: Shoe ********** Indian ********** Boy on a Dolphin ********** Opera Singer ********** Lion ********** Jose Greco ********** Spider Monkey ********** Rabbit (photo only) (This rabbit was subsequently diagrammed in Vol 7: Issue 3 of 'The Origamian' for Autumn 1967 - see below.) ********** Angel ********** 1964 'Secrets of Origami', by Robert Harbin, which was published by Oldbourne Book Company in London in 1964, contained diagrams for a number of Elias's designs: Elias's Fisherman in a Boat ********** Hiawatha ********** Sitting Scottie Dog ********** Reclining Scottie Dog ********** Stork with Baby From two partially connected squares. ********** Bird Bath ********** Goat ********** Dove Cote ********** 1966 An article by Fred Rohm, 'On Folding Paper and Preparation', in 'The Origamian' Vol 6: Issue 1 of Spring 1966, mentions Neal Elias.
********** 1967 Vol 7: Issue 3 of 'The Origamian' for Autumn 1967 contained an article 'About the Models in This Issue', written by Alice Gray, explaining the relationship between the models diagrammed in this issue which were his rabbit and two other designs by Adolfo Cerceda and Emmanuel Mooser derived from trhe same original base. . ********** 1968 'Folding Money, Volume Two' edited by Samuel Randlett was published by Magic Inc of Chicago in 1968 contained several dollar bill folds attributed to Neal Elias. Ring *** Bracelet (a chain of rings) *** Church A variation of the Japanese Church design *** Shoe *** Christmas Tree *** Cardigan *** Elephant ********** 'Teach Yourself Origami: The Art of Paperfolding' by Robert Harbin, which was published by The English Universities Press in 1968, contained diagrams for Elias's 'Aladdin's Lamp' which was folded from two partially connected squares. ********** Elias's 'Angel' appeared in Issue 2 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** 1969 Vol 9: Issue 2 of 'The Origamian' for Summer 1969 contains a letter from Neal Elias contesting some of the assertions Dr. Solorzano made in his letter about Ligia Montoya published in Volume 8, issue 4.
********** Vol 9: Issue 4 of 'The Origamian' for Winter 1969 contains an article, 'On Bonus Folds' by Fred Rohm, which mentions a number of designs by Elias.
********** Elias's 'Heart and Arrow' appeared in Issue 3 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** Elias's 'Omar Khayyam' appeared in Issue 4 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** Elias's 'Crucifix', (in two pieces from two squares of different sizes which slot together without the need for glue) appeared in Issue 6 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** Elias's 'George Washington' and 'Geisha with Sunshade' appeared in Issue 8 of the 'Flapping Bird':
********** 1970 A photograph of Elias' 'Buddha' and 'Camel and Rider' appeared in an article by Robert Harbin in Woman's Own magazine of March 1970.
********** Elias's 'Michelangelo's Pieta' appeared in Issue 10 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** Elias' 'Bow-Tie Bill' (a Dollar Bill Fold) appeared in Issue 12 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** Elias' 'Bill Bow-Tie' (a Dollar Bill Fold) appeared in Issue 13 of the 'Flapping Bird': ********** |