Origami Heaven

A paperfolding paradise

The website of writer and paperfolding designer David Mitchell


Patterns from Hexagons
This page attempts to record what is known about the origin and history of folding Patterns from Hexagons. Please contact me if you know any of this information is incorrect or if you have any other information that should be added. Thank you.

If the Froebelian tradition such patterns and decorations are known as Folds of Beauty.



There are references to the folding of 'rosaces diverse a 6 pointes' in the 'Bulletin de la Societe de Protection des Apprentis', an official document issued by the Societe de Protection des Apprentis et des Enfants Employes par les Manufactures in Paris in 1891.



'Le Travail Manuel a L'ecole Primaire' by Jully & Rocheron, which was published by Librairie Classique Eugene Belin in Paris in 1892, contained instructions for making several 'Etoiles a 6 pointes', Star of David patterns, from hexagons



'L'enseignement manuel dans les ecoles du degre primaire (garcons)' by Rene Leblanc, which was published by Librairie Larousse in Paris in 1895, contains instructions for making the same hexagonal rosette.


As does 'Geometrie, Dessin et Travaux Manuels - Cours Moyen', produced under the direction of M E. Cazes, which was published by Librairie Ch. Delagrave in Paris, also in 1895.
